The General Assembly reaffirmed its strong commitment today to the Kimberley Process and its certification scheme, an international initiative launched by the United Nations in 2003 to break the link between rough diamond purchases and armed conflict.
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Continuing its regular session for 2017, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today recommended 58 organizations for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, deferred action on the status of 51 others and postponed consideration of one request for status that had been submitted after the merger of two organizations.
With the campaign to oust Da’esh fighters from Iraq “nearly won”, the country’s international partners must remain engaged because any abrupt scale-down in support would risk grave consequences both within and beyond the nation’s borders, the top-ranking United Nations official there cautioned in the Security Council today.
The Commission on Social Development — whose past work had been critical to the evolution of many principles underpinning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — now had a critical role to play in that framework’s implementation, stressed delegates as they opened the Commission’s fifty-fifth annual session today.
Continuing its regular session for 2017, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today recommended 49 organizations for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and deferred action on the status of 50 others. The Committee also recommended that one organization be reclassified as having general consultative status and deferred consideration of two organizations' reclassification applications.
Continuing its regular session for 2017, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today recommended 100 organizations for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and deferred action on the status of 54 others.
The sixth Economic and Social Council Youth Forum concluded today with participants calling for young people to champion their own interests, rather than merely handing over power to their elders, as they took their place at the forefront of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.
Opening its regular session for 2017, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today recommended 21 organizations for special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and deferred action on the status of 13 others.
Convening amid a backlash against globalization, expanding economic inequality and marked shifts towards nationalism and isolation around the world, the sixth annual Economic and Social Council Youth Forum opened to hundreds of Government representatives and youth delegates today with an urgent focus on the role of youth in poverty eradication and promoting prosperity.
Despite repeated delays and instances of malpractice, the election of a new Parliament marked a milestone in Somalia’s post-conflict transformation, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in that country told the Security Council today.