Critical intra‑Palestinian talks were scheduled to open in Cairo, Egypt, on 21 November, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council today, emphasizing that a genuine change in Gaza, including full Palestinian Authority control over security, would help restore confidence in the feasibility of a comprehensive peace agreement.
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Due to the veto of a permanent member, the Security Council today failed for the fourth time in three weeks to renew the mandate, due to expire at midnight, of the investigative body formed to determine the perpetrators of chemical weapons attacks in Syria.
The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today approved eight draft resolutions, including one calling on Israel to cease exploitation of the occupied Palestinian territory and Syrian Golan.
The Mediterranean was a global junction of mutually enriching cultures, societies and economies, but violence and hatred were threatening that dynamism, to the detriment of the entire world, the Secretary‑General of the United Nations told the Security Council today.
The General Assembly adopted a resolution today spotlighting the role of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in galvanizing preventive diplomacy across that region, while also appointing individuals to serve on several key subsidiary bodies based on the recommendations of its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary).
The Security Council failed to renew the mandate of the investigative team formed to determine the perpetrators of chemical weapons attacks in Syria following the rejection of two draft resolutions, tabled by the United States and Bolivia, respectively.
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved 16 draft resolutions today, tackling a wide range of issues including human rights in Myanmar, elimination of racism, the Human Rights Council and unilateral coercive measures.
Two months since the launch of the Action Plan for Libya, the United Nations mission in that country had simultaneously started working to amend the Libyan Political Agreement, organizing a national conference, preparing for elections and providing humanitarian assistance, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative told the Security Council today.
Delegates emphasized that cost‑of‑living adjustments must be applied consistently throughout the United Nations common system in line with current economic realities, as the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today examined new and proposed compensation rules that governed, among other things, separation payments, dependency allowances and salary scales for staff in Geneva.
An occupying Power must act in good faith and comply with the core principles of international humanitarian law, a top United Nations expert told the Palestinian Rights Committee today, as it approved four draft resolutions for consideration by the General Assembly.