Calling for access to education and eliminating child labour, as well as bolstering equal treatment for women in the labour market, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) concluded its debates on children’s rights and women’s advancement today.
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Affirming that preparations for December presidential and legislative elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are well advanced, speakers in the Security Council this morning urged all stakeholders to reach consensus on outstanding issues to ensure that the poll results will be universally respected.
Stagnation, corruption and terrible conditions threaten the well-being of young people in Western Sahara’s refugee camps, petitioners from Non‑Self‑Governing Territories told the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) today, as it continued its general debate on decolonization.
Unilateral coercive measures and trade practices harm the global economy as well as countries at the regional and national levels, speakers told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today during its debate on Macroeconomic policy questions.
The Security Council today decided to extend, until 15 April 2019, modifications to the mandate of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), while also stressing that the extension will be the final one unless the parties meet specific benchmarks.
Co-Chairs of the Security Council’s recent mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo today outlined the activities undertaken and information gathered during the visit, especially in areas related to the country’s upcoming elections, its still-turbulent security situation and the process aimed at reforming and improving the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).
A fair and effective administration of internal justice not only enables staff to perform their best, but also ensures that the Organization becomes a better employer, retains the best employees and, more importantly, upholds its ideals, delegates stressed as the Sixth Committee (Legal) took up that topic.
With children’s aspirations still falling short of global commitments to improve their well‑being, and some calling those pledges a “distant dream”, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its debate on children’s rights today amid urgent appeals that they be central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Many petitioners accused Morocco of committing human rights violations in Western Sahara today, while others praised the kingdom’s autonomy proposal for the Territory, as the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) continued its general debate on decolonization.
Speakers stressed the need for a revamped, better‑funded United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to bolster its vital role in implementing the New Urban Agenda and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) focused on that topic today.