The General Assembly decided today to provide additional rights and privileges of participation to the State of Palestine when it assumes its position as chair of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China for the year 2019.
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Meetings Coverage
The cash position of the Organization’s regular budget is precarious, the United Nations senior management official told members of the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today as she laid out the Organization’s key financial indicators for 2018.
The Sixth Committee (Legal) took up the report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) today, with delegates commending the progress of the various Working Groups and highlighting the finalization and adoption of a number of important legal texts.
Spiking insecurity and instability in Africa’s Sahel region indicates an urgent need to resolve the long-standing dispute over Western Sahara, delegates told the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) today, as it concluded its general debate on decolonization.
Renewable energy sources are the least expensive options in boosting electricity access, reducing air pollution and cutting carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, speakers stressed as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) concluded sustainable development today.
Competition over land, water, minerals and other natural resources will increasingly fuel conflict unless efforts are stepped up to manage them for the benefit of local people and engender peace through sharing, the Secretary-General told the Security Council today.
Early warnings must trigger rapid responses to human rights abuses, the top United Nations human rights official told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as it began its deliberations on the promotion and protection of human rights.
Lowering greenhouse gas emissions and switching to renewable energy sources are key to a sustainable future threatened by climate change, delegates told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) as it took up sustainable development today.
Voicing concerns at the possible breakdown of the Iran nuclear deal, delegates discussed ways to get collective disarmament efforts back on track, as the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) continued its general debate.
While deciding to defer action on four observer status requests, the Sixth Committee (Legal) today concluded its consideration of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations, with delegates stressing the work of that Committee in the context of the Organization’s ongoing reforms.