Condemning the recent upsurge in deadly attacks against peacekeepers in Mali, officials and delegates in the Security Council urged parties to the conflict there to step up implementation of the 2015 Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in the embattled Sahelian country.
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The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) adopted the general debate portion of its programme of work today, opening the way for the start of its substantive work amid ongoing concerns over the host country’s non‑issuance of visas for several delegates.
The launch of a credible Constitutional Committee for Syria should be the beginning of a political process to end the conflict in that country in accordance with the legitimate aspirations of all its people, the Security Council said in a presidential statement today.
Marking the one‑year anniversary of the signing of South Sudan’s latest peace agreement, the Security Council reaffirmed today the importance of that pact for sustained peace and stability in the country, calling for accelerated progress towards its implementation.
Sustainable development cannot be achieved without gender equality and a meaningful enhancement in women’s political participation, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it continued its debate on the advancement of women, amid calls for action against gender-based violence and more concerted efforts to prevent the exploitation of female migrants.
Delegates called today for the centring of voices from Non‑Self‑Governing Territories and for more urgent decolonization action, as the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) began its general debate on that subject.
Wealth inequality, inadequate international financing and reduced official development assistance (ODA) continue to hamper developing countries in progressing towards implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, speakers told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) as it began its general debate today.
Due to visa issuance problems experienced by the delegation of Iran, the Sixth Committee (Legal), in two brief organizational meetings, was unable to adopt its programme of work for the seventy‑fourth session, resulting in the Chair adjourning the meeting to the following day.
Delegates at the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) opened their seventy‑fourth session with the election of Andreas D. Mavroyiannis of Cyprus as their chairman as they urged each other to collaborate to handle a heavy workload that includes preparing the Organization’s first annual budget.
The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) met only briefly today, suspending its work so that its Bureau can conduct further consultations towards resolving differences among delegations over the host country’s issuance of visas.