In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


Two nuclear‑weapon States, China and the Russian Federation, today said that a third, the United States, is contributing to global insecurity by failing to fulfil its obligations under existing arms control, disarmament and non‑proliferation instruments, as the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) continued its general debate.


Holding United Nations officials and experts on mission accountable for crimes required Member States to increase their exercise of national extraterritorial jurisdiction in order to ensure the integrity of the Organization, the Sixth Committee (Legal) heard today as it took up that topic, alongside the matter of the principle of rule of law.


Delegates highlighted improvements in children’s access to health care and vaccination coverage, while also underscoring the importance of young people’s participation in decision-making, as the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its discussion on the protection of children’s rights today.