In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly


Pronouncing the United Nations financial health at the end of 2014 as “generally sound” and its cash position at the end of April of this year as “sound and positive”, the Organization’s senior management official told the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today that some areas needed to be closely monitored and that Member States must make all efforts to meet their obligations.


Transparency, inclusivity, multilingualism and a balance between new media and traditional forms of communications were paramount in the work of the Department of Public Information, Cristina Gallach, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information of the United Nations, told delegates as the Committee on Information concluded its general debate.


During a “once-in-a-generation” year which would see the adoption of the new post-2015 development agenda, the United Nations Department of Public Information had a critical role to play in supporting the ever-expanding activities of the Organization, the Committee on Information was told as it opened its thirty‑seventh session today.