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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage


Tackling a range of issues threading through the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) began its work today, with speakers and youth delegates describing successes, challenges and concerns facing the international community in its push towards meeting the 2030 Agenda’s promises.


In addressing the world’s enormous challenges — serving waves of refugees in the Mediterranean, brokering necessary peace in the Middle East and managing the “existential” threat of climate change — speakers in the General Assembly today called on the United Nations to invoke the spirit that had underpinned its historic founding 70 years ago:  one of compassion and dignity.


Keeping pace with the evolving security landscape was a collective responsibility that required a staunch commitment to conflict prevention — through building capacities, investing resources, and above all, heeding the call of the United Nations Charter to “unite in strength”, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, opening a high-level thematic debate in the General Assembly.