The General Assembly today unanimously adopted texts on widely differing topics — one which gave its members the chance to reflect on the history of the Organization as well as on the idealism inspired by a past leader and another on the Board tasked with promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
Confrontation and politically motivated country-specific resolutions undermined the dialogue and cooperation between States and hampered the improvement of human rights, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) heard today as it took action on a package of draft resolutions ranging from situation reports of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran and Syria to the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) approved a resolution today on “Consumer protection”, deciding to establish an intergovernmental group of experts on consumer protection law and policy within the framework of an existing commission of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
By one of three draft resolutions the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved today, the General Assembly would welcome the peaceful and competitive conduct of the elections held in Myanmar on 8 November 2015, but express serious concern over political disenfranchisement and the disqualification of candidates from the Rohingya community and religious and ethnic minorities.
The General Assembly today elected the Secretary-General’s proposed candidate, Filippo Grandi (Italy), as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), while filling vacancies in the United Nations tribunals that address internal grievances and disciplinary matters.
Delegates at today’s Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) meeting aired their concerns on the financing of the proposed renovation of the historic Palais des Nations in Geneva – estimated to tally nearly $1 billion - and the Secretariat’s first year of work in carrying out a comprehensive information and communications technology strategy.
The General Assembly today adopted, by a recorded vote of 99 in favour to none against, with 10 abstentions (Bolivia, Chad, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russian Federation, Sudan, Syria, United Republic of Tanzania, Venezuela and Zimbabwe), a resolution on the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today rejected one text and sent another six draft resolutions to the General Assembly, among them a draft that would have the world body urge States not to return a person to another State if he or she faced risks of being subjected to torture and to ensure that border control operations and reception centres fully complied with human rights.
Concluding its work for the main part of the General Assembly’s seventieth session today, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) approved nine draft resolutions — all by recorded vote — relating to Palestine refugees and Israeli practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Prior to approving without a vote two draft resolutions, the Sixth Committee (Legal) noted improvements in relations with the host country and stressed the key role of the General Assembly in the revitalization of the United Nations, as they considered reports on both matters.