DAKAR, 4 May — The International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem, entering its second and final day in Dakar, held a plenary session this morning on international support for resilience, protection and development in East Jerusalem, with many speakers focusing on the long-standing support of African nations to the Palestinian cause.
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The financial health of the United Nations remained “generally sound and positive”, the Organization’s senior management official told the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today, adding that some areas still needed to be closely monitored and that Member States must make all efforts to meet their obligations.
DAKAR, 3 May — The International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem, which opened in Dakar, Senegal, this morning, held its first plenary session in the afternoon, examining life in East Jerusalem under Israeli occupation.
DAKAR, 3 May — The historic and holy city of Jerusalem remained at the heart of any negotiated solution to the question of Palestine, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed today as the International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem opened in Dakar, Senegal.
Budget requirements for United Nations peacekeeping operations, which would top $8.3 billion for the 2016/17 fiscal period, would figure prominently in upcoming negotiations, as the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today opened the second part of its resumed seventieth session.
Inclusivity, multilingualism and a balance between new and traditional forms of communications were critical in the work of the Department of Public Information, especially around the Sustainable Development Goals, Under-Secretary-General for Public Information Cristina Gallach said today, as the Committee on Information concluded its general debate.
New technological platforms should be leveraged by the Department of Public Information, the lead communications body of the United Nations, bearing in mind the digital divide that still existed in many parts of the world, speakers told the Committee on Information today.
Stressing that sustaining peace was an inherently political process requiring coherent, international coordination and support, the General Assembly adopted a wide-ranging resolution today aimed at improving the United Nations peacebuilding architecture before holding a day-long debate on the subject.
Disseminating information on the Sustainable Development Goals, building awareness around the need for a humane global approach to refugees, and explaining the impacts of the work of the United Nations during its upcoming leadership change were three priorities for the Department of Public Information in 2016, the Committee on Information heard today, as it opened its thirty-eighth session.
Speakers took stock today of lessons learned in nuclear safety and the state of recovery of the Chernobyl power plant, as the General Assembly marked the thirtieth anniversary of the deadly accident.