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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage


The long-established rules against the development, stockpiling or use of chemical and biological weapons are under threat, the representative of the United Kingdom told the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) today in its thematic debate on weapons of mass destruction, following the conclusion of the debate on nuclear weapons.


As ongoing conflicts, economic volatility and gaping inequality shadow development prospects, regional commissions today highlighted in a joint meeting with the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) the urgent need to bridge digital gaps in sparking opportunity and driving innovation, with the Committee also discussing challenges hampering countries in special situations in a separate session.


Reaffirming the important work of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) today approved without a vote a resolution concerning that body, as speakers underscored the imperative of concerted and apolitical scientific work on this matter while also considering how to improve their working methods.


Marking the seventy-fifth session of the International Law Commission, the Chair of the Sixth Committee (Legal) highlighted the Commission’s contribution to the development and codification of international law, as delegations took up its annual report today and began their debate on the first of three clusters of topics, including “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction”, “Sea-level rise in relation to international law” and “Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission”.


Inclusion and equal participation in systems that provide law and justice — for all individuals at the national level and all States at the international one — is crucial to upholding the rule of law, speakers stressed in the Sixth Committee (Legal) today, as it concluded its debate on that principle against the backdrop of a challenging geopolitical context.


While artificial intelligence (AI) and other innovations hold endless promise for driving prosperity and growth, the international community must urgently address the critical and widening digital gap between developed and developing countries, senior United Nations officials and Member States told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today as it took up information and communications technologies (ICTs) for sustainable development as well as globalization and interdependence.


“It is imperative to put an immediate end to continued and evolving nuclear weapons-sharing arrangements and extended deterrence that in fact is a new nuclear-arms race,” Indonesia’s delegate, speaking on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, told the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) today, in its thematic debate on nuclear weapons.