In progress at UNHQ

Fourth Committee

Mutual benefits and responsibilities marked the relationship between administering Powers and their Territories, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) was told today as it heard from both sides of the decolonization coin with representatives of administering Powers and Non-Self-Governing Territories presenting their cases.
The “deafening silence” of the Special Committee on Decolonization to Gibraltar’s requests as to whether it had achieved a full measure of self-government did nothing to advance that Territory’s progress towards decolonization, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) was told today as it grappled with the methodological quandary that keeps the decolonization debate at the forefront of international concerns.
A 60-year-old injustice had been corrected when French Polynesia was re‑inscribed on the United Nations-identified list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) was told today as it continued its annual decolonization debate, informed by both fresh perspectives and traditional takes on one of the Organization’s foundational pursuits.
In a brief organizational meeting today, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) approved its work programme for the new session, which contains more than a dozen topics for consideration, including questions relating to peacekeeping, outer space, the effects of atomic radiation and the granting of independence to Non-Self-Governing Territories and peoples.