In progress at UNHQ

Economic and Social Council

Overwhelming concern over massive destruction caused by a 7.0 earthquake in Haiti that impacted 3 million people – one third of the population -– and left much of the Caribbean nation in shambles dominated discussion in the Economic and Social Council today, as the 54-member body held its first organizational meeting of 2010.
Wrapping up its resumed 2009 substantive session, the Economic and Social Council today filled outstanding vacancies on a number of its subsidiary bodies, and heard briefings by key United Nations officials dealing with food security issues, as well as detailed review by its President on coordinated follow-up in response to the world economic and financial crisis.
The United Nations Forum on Forests today launched two vital initiatives: an intergovernmental expert group to conduct in-depth analysis of all aspects of forest financing over the next four years; and a “facilitative process” on forest financing, to assist countries to mobilize funding from all sources.
The World Survey on the Role of Women in Development points to long-standing inequalities in access to economic and financial resources, which had placed women at a disadvantage in relation to men in economic development, the Director of the Division for the Advancement of Women said at a Headquarters press conference this morning.