Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People


MANAGUA, 4 February — The Palestinian diaspora was integral to reviving the vision of a State of Palestine living alongside a peaceful and secure neighbour in Israel, speakers said today, as the United Nations Round Table on the Question of Palestine opened in Managua, Nicaragua, amid calls to make 2017 a year of renewed hope for ending 50 years of occupation.


Humanitarian, socioeconomic and security conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory remained grave amid Israel’s continuing violations of human rights norms and United Nations resolutions, the Deputy Observer for the State of Palestine said today, as the Palestinian Rights Committee approved four draft resolutions for consideration by the General Assembly.


Among other critical activities during the General Assembly’s seventy-first session, the State of Palestine would pursue efforts to enhance its status at the United Nations and demand that the international community end illegal settlement-building activities, its Permanent Observer told the Palestinian Rights Committee today.


A recent report by the Middle East Quartet that failed to characterize Israeli actions against Palestinians as terrorism was offensive, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People heard today, amid strong calls for the General Assembly to declare 2017 as the International Year to End Israeli Occupation of Palestine.


STOCKHOLM, 19 May — Full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development would constitute a critical piece of Palestine’s envisaged transition to a peaceful, independent and sustainable State, speakers participating in the opening session of the United Nations Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People in Stockholm, Sweden, said today.


DAKAR, 4 May — The International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem, entering its second and final day in Dakar, held a plenary session this morning on international support for resilience, protection and development in East Jerusalem, with many speakers focusing on the long-standing support of African nations to the Palestinian cause.