
The World Food Programme (WFP) says its operations are being severely hindered by the escalation of fighting in south and central Gaza, as well as the limited flow of humanitarian assistance and the lack of public order and safety in the south. Despite this, WFP has reached more than 766,000 people in Gaza with food in June.

Uganda today marked the end of its Ebola outbreak, with Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Head of the World Health Organization, stressing that Ebola can be defeated when the whole system works together, and Resident United Nations Coordinator in Uganda Susan Ngongi Namondo appealing to the public to continue embracing prevention measures.

Somalia faces a risk of famine in six areas through June 2022 if the rainy season from April to June fails as predicted, if food prices continue to rise, and if humanitarian assistance is not scaled up to reach the most vulnerable populations.  An estimated 4.9 million people across Somalia have been impacted.