In progress at UNHQ


Children’s Rights Must Be Upheld ‘Even in War’, Says Secretary-General on ‘Prove It Matters’ Campaign Launch

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message for the launch of the Children and Armed Conflict Campaign “Prove It Matters” in Geneva, Switzerland, today:

Children caught in the grip of war represent one of the most heartbreaking and shameful tragedies of our time.

Forced to flee, subjected to violence, often losing their families, seeing things no child should see — many are left with invisible scars of trauma and loss that can last a lifetime.

In 1989, the world came together to adopt the Convention on the Rights of the Child and make a vital promise:  the rights of children must be upheld at all times, even in war.

Protecting these rights is our collective duty and a commitment we owe to every child.  Their voices must be heard.  Their stories must be told.

Children are calling for peace.  It is time to listen.  And it is time to act.  It is time to “Prove It Matters”.

For information media. Not an official record.