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‘Move Faster’ on Clean Energy Transition, UN Chief Urges at International Renewable Energy Agency Assembly

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message for the fifteenth session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in Abu Dhabi today:

The International Renewable Energy Agency is at the heart of the renewables revolution.  And that revolution is in full swing.  Roll out is accelerating. Prices keep falling.  The clean energy age is coming.  And the benefits for energy sovereignty, security and affordability are crystal clear. 

But we must move faster:  To bring the great benefits of clean power to all and to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5°C.  That requires urgent action in three areas. 

First, Governments must chart a just transition away from fossil fuels, and towards clean energy, in their new national climate action plans — or NDCs [nationally determined contributions] — due this year.

These must align with the 1.5°C limit — as promised.  They must contribute to the global energy transition commitments in the UAE [United Arab Emirates] Consensus.  They must align national energy strategies and development priorities with climate ambitions.  And they must guarantee no new coal and commit to total coal phase out — moving directly to renewables.

Second, finance.  Developing and emerging economies are being left behind. Outside of China, they have received just one in five dollars of global clean energy investment since 2016. 

Countries must tackle well-known barriers and deliver on the commitments in the Pact for the Future:  Particularly, increasing the lending capacity of the multilateral development banks, boosting concessional finance, and taking effective action on debt.  We also need an effective price on carbon and to tap innovative sources of finance. 

Third, we need Governments, civil society, business and more to work together for a just transition — supporting affected workers and communities. 

This includes shifting fossil fuel subsidies to investments in that transition.  Across all these areas and more, I thank IRENA for its leadership and vital voice.

I am proud to stand with you in creating a prosperous, renewable-powered world.  Let’s keep pushing forward together.

For information media. Not an official record.