In progress at UNHQ


‘Convert Words into Action’, Secretary-General Urges as Biodiversity Conference Opens to Advance Earth Rescue Plan

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message for the opening ceremony of the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16), in Cali, Colombia, today.

I thank the Government of Colombia for hosting this important COP:  The COP to make peace with nature, and the first since countries adopted the historic Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

That Framework is grounded in a clear truth: for humanity to thrive, nature must flourish.

Destroying nature inflames conflict, hunger and disease; Fuels poverty, inequality, and the climate crisis; And damages sustainable development, green jobs, cultural heritage, and gross domestic product (GDP).

A collapse in nature’s services — such as pollination and clean water — would see the global economy lose trillions of dollars a year — with the poorest hardest hit.

The Global Biodiversity Framework promises to reset relations with Earth and its ecosystems.  But we are not on track.

Your task at this COP is to convert words into action.  That means countries presenting clear plans that align national actions with all the Framework’s targets.  It means agreeing a strengthened monitoring and transparency framework.  And it means honouring promises on finance — and accelerating support to developing countries.

We must leave Cali with significant investment in the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, and commitments to mobilize other sources of public and private finance to deliver the Framework in full.  And those profiting from nature must contribute to its protection and restoration.

Developing countries are being plundered:  Digitized DNA from biodiversity underpins scientific discoveries and economic growth.  But developing countries don’t gain fairly from these advances — despite being home to extraordinary richness.

This COP must operationalise the mechanism that has been agreed — to ensure that when countries share genetic information, they share benefits — equitably.

It must engage all of society — as “La COP de la gente”. And it must strengthen the role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.  Indigenous Peoples are the world’s great guardians of biodiversity; luminaries of sustainable use.  Their knowledge and stewardship must be at the heart of biodiversity action at every level.

We have a plan to rescue humanity from a degraded Earth.  I look forward to seeing you in person at the end of the COP to hear how you have delivered.  Thank you.

For information media. Not an official record.