In progress at UNHQ


You Are ‘on the Front Line of Peace’, Says Secretary-General, in Solidarity Message to United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon

The following solidarity message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon was issued today:

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of speaking with representatives of your countries here in New York.  Today, I want to speak to you directly.

I want to say to you what I said to them:  I am full of admiration and gratitude to the men and women of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).  I am so proud of you — and I know your countries are proud of you, too.

You should know that here in New York, we are all very aware of your bravery during some of the most challenging moments in the history of UNIFIL.  I have been crystal clear:  the safety of United Nations personnel is our highest priority.

And all parties have an obligation to ensure the safety of our personnel.  The inviolability of UN premises must be respected, at all times.

Attacks against UN peacekeepers are completely unacceptable. They are in breach of international law, against international humanitarian law and may constitute a war crime.

Despite all the challenges, UNIFIL remains in its positions. Every day you keep the blue flag flying — and ensure the primacy of international law.  I am in constant contact with General Aroldo Lázaro — assessing the latest developments.

Our path forward is clear.  We need an immediate ceasefire and the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006).  The men and women of UNIFIL are tirelessly working to give our diplomatic efforts a fighting chance.

You are not just on the Blue Line in Lebanon, you are literally on the front line of peace.  Thank you for your service.

For information media. Not an official record.