9736th Meeting (AM)

Security Council Hears from Briefers on Efforts towards Easing Tensions in Democratic Republic of Congo, Great Lake Region

(Note:  The full press release will be published at a later time.)

“I would like to assure the Council moreover of my Government’s determination to work to establishing lasting peace in the eastern part of the country and to promote economic development and social wellbeing for these communities who are suffering from armed conflict.  The DRC will remain open to all opportunities which will bring about this peace as long as these opportunities in no way deny us of our sovereignty and less so of our territorial integrity.” 

-Representative of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

“The humanitarian situation in eastern DRC remains very dire…  We must not allow this complex emergency to become a forgotten crisis amidst other global challenges.”

Representative of Slovenia, Council President for September, speaking in national capacity

“As we approach MONUSCO’s annual mandate renewal, the United Kingdom encourages due consideration of the lessons learnt from its withdrawal from South Kivu.  The protection of civilians must remain a priority […] crucially, the United Kingdom also calls on all parties to ensure MONUSCO has the access and freedom of movement required to deliver its mandate.  Obstructing, or worse yet, targeting, peacekeeping missions is unacceptable.  We encourage all Council members to send this message clearly today in this Chamber.”

Representative of the United Kingdom

“Many of these children have known only war from the time of their birth, and tragically, many have died in it. These children and their families have a strong desire for one thing: PEACE. The Council must therefore continue to support all efforts aimed at achieving peace in the DRC.”

Representative of Sierra Leone, also speaking for Algeria, Mozambique and Guyana

“Congolese women and girls are working tirelessly to contribute to peace efforts and respond to the humanitarian crisis.  Their impact is visible although their efforts are not sufficiently sustained.  [To the Security Council]: Ensure that MONUSCO and the DRC Government consult regularly and meaningfully with women civil society organizations …and integrate their recommendations into all drawdown plans, including civilian protection strategies.  The participation of women should not be the subject of any kind of demand, as their place must be legitimate in the consolidation and construction of peace in the DRC and the region.  The protection of women and children is non-negotiable.”

Thérèse Nzale-Kove civil society representative and Program Officer at Fonds pour les femmes congolaises

“Despite some progress, daunting challenges remain.  Over the past few months, competition over exploitation and trade of natural resources has further entrenched and exacerbated conflict dynamics in eastern DRC…The DRC remains disproportionately affected by another plague: sexual and gender-based violence…This scourge, which affects primarily women and girls’ victims of the conflict in Eastern Congo will have long lasting trauma on its social fabric.”

Bintou Keita, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)

Convening a briefing today, the Security Council heard from Bintou Keita, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).  Michael Imran Kanu (Sierra Leone), Chair of the 1533 Sanctions Committee, also briefed the Council, along with Thérèse Nzale-Kove, civil society representative and Program Officer at Fonds pour les femmes congolaises.


For information media. Not an official record.