
Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 2653 (2022) concerning Haiti Convenes Briefing to Member States on Interim Report of Expert Panel

On 15 July, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2653 (2022) concerning Haiti held a briefing to Member States during which the Panel of Experts briefed on its interim report dated 29 March (document S/2024/253).

During the briefing, the Coordinator of the Panel of Experts provided an overview of the findings and recommendations contained in the Panel’s interim report, as well as updates on significant developments that took place since the publication of the report, such as the establishment of the Transitional Presidential Council, the appointment of Garry Conille as interim Prime Minister, and the installation of a new government.  The Coordinator informed that since the beginning of the current mandate the Panel was able to visit Haiti and several other countries in the region.  The Coordinator further noted that since the appointment of the Panel, the security situation has further deteriorated in particular in the West and Artibonite departments.  Gang violence and territorial control have reached unprecedented levels.

The Permanent Representative of Haiti and several Member States shared views on the interim report of the Panel of Experts and conveyed information on their efforts to implement the measures set out in the relevant Council resolutions concerning the sanctions regime in Haiti, including resolutions 2653 (2022), 2699 (2023) and 2700 (2023).  Several Member States highlighted the importance of expanding the 2653 Sanctions List and strengthen the implementation of the arms embargo.

For information media. Not an official record.