9679th Meeting (AM)

No Project in Haiti ‘Can Be Tackled Without Addressing the Security Issue’, Interim Prime Minister Tells Security Council

Members Underscore Need for Financial Support to Multinational Support Mission

With the recent installation of the Transitional Presidential Council and a new Government, Haiti must mobilize all necessary available resources “to make this transition the last one”, the country’s new leader told the Security Council today, as members stressed the urgent need to stem gang violence that has stalled the political process and economic development there.

People in Haiti “continue to fight for a better future”, said interim Prime Minister Garry Conille in his first public appearance in the Council since his appointment.  At this decisive juncture, where 12,000 armed gangs hold hostage a population of 12 million, “no project, be it economic or political, can be tackled without addressing the security issue”, he stressed.

He said that he has already held several working sessions with various stakeholders and that to do things differently, the Government will facilitate elections and constitutional reform, strengthen mechanisms to combat corruption and impunity, modernize the judiciary and develop security strategies that focus on the interaction between people and the police.

Turning to the deployment of the Multinational Security Support mission authorized by the Security Council, he cautioned that Haiti’s history with foreign intervention “has been a mixed bag” and urged the establishment of mechanisms to ensure not only security, but also dignity and respect, to prevent repeating past mistakes.

For her part, María Isabel Salvador, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), welcomed the formation of a transitional Government composed of 14 ministers heading 18 ministries.  Citing the proposed timetable, she noted that elections will lead to the installation of elected authorities by February 2026 at the latest.  In that regard, she proposed possibly strengthening BINUH’s electoral expertise and added that strengthening BINUH’s human rights mandate is fundamental to providing the necessary support for the international security force.

In today’s meeting, representatives of Council members and concerned countries spoke about how gangs wreaked havoc on Haiti’s communities and underlined the urgent need for financial contributions to the Multinational Security Support mission.  They also discussed how best to support the country’s transition.

Across the country, gangs have carried out terrible atrocities, including killings, mass rapes, kidnappings, forced recruitment, exploitation and trafficking of children, said the representative of the United States, adding that her country intends to provide $309 million to the international police force.  “Our support for the people of Haiti is unwavering”, she declared.

Malta’s delegate expressed grave concern over reports that children represent up to 50 per cent of gang members, underscoring the importance of child protection in the planning and conduct of the security mission. The speaker for Guyana, also speaking for Algeria, Mozambique and Sierra Leone, urged Member States to support measures to combat the illicit flows of weapons and ammunition into Haiti that enable criminal activity.

In that regard, China’s delegate urged the United States to curb such illicit flows from its territory to Haiti.  Adding to that, the Russian Federation’s diplomat said that the Council’s current sanctions list consists of only five leaders of criminal gangs, pointing out that unlike United States arms dealers, gangs neither travel abroad nor have overseas property or assets.

Beyond the security challenge, it is vital to tackle the root causes of Haiti’s instability, said Japan’s delegate, stressing the need for a comprehensive approach ensuring the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.  To that end, she highlighted the Peacebuilding Commission’s bridging, convening and catalytic roles within and beyond the UN system to make the international community’s approach more comprehensive.

The recent arrival in Port-au-Prince of a 200-strong Kenyan police contingent of the Multinational Security Support mission — after a long delay — received applause.  The representative of Kenya stated that since its arrival, the contingent has held operational meetings with the Haitian National Police and commenced joint operations — undertaking several significant assessments to guide the mission’s operations.  Noting that Haiti’s interim Prime Minister announced a robust strategy to liberate the country from gang control, he urged “the conversion of pledges [from donor countries] into concrete support”.

Delegates also exchanged views on renewing BINUH’s mandate, which will expire in mid-July.  “BINUH has been truly a source of hope for the Haitian people”, said the Dominican Republic’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, urging the Council to acknowledge the importance of BINUH and renovate its mandate to ensure Haiti’s peace, stability and development.  “It is our duty as members of the international community to be up to this great challenge and to demonstrate that solidarity and compassion transcend borders”, he emphasized.



MARÍA ISABEL SALVADOR, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), welcomed recent developments in that country towards restoring democracy, including the installation of the Transitional Presidential Council in April and the designation of an interim Prime Minister and a new Government sworn into office in June.  These are “clear indications of progress”, she said, noting that Garry Conille was chosen as interim Prime Minister by the Transitional Presidential Council.  The new transitional Government is composed of 14 ministers heading 18 ministries.  With the installation of this Government, the two-headed executive has committed to leading Haiti towards the restoration of State institutions through the holding of credible, inclusive and participatory elections that will lead — according to the proposed timetable — to the installation of elected authorities by February 2026 at the latest.  BINUH is redirecting and redefining priorities to support this Haitian-led and owned transition, she said, proposing consideration of the possibility of strengthening BINUH electoral expertise.

She commended efforts to increase the participation of women in the country’s transition, noting that six ministries are overseen by women, representing 33 per cent of all ministries and 50 per cent of the heads of Haiti’s diplomatic missions are now women.  “Inclusion and diversity are essential to promote a political transition that paves the way for the restoration of State institutions and effectively meets the needs and expectations of all Haitians”, she stressed.  Systematically increasing the participation of women and youth in this process is a fundamental pillar of BINUH’s renewed strategy to support the political process.  The Office also supported the organization of the Civil Society Forum on 27 and 28 June in Port-au-Prince and expects the Forum to establish a platform for ongoing dialogue between civil society and community leaders, women’s and youth groups, and transitional governance structures.  BINUH will provide strategic and logistical support to this key platform, she added.

The second pillar of the Office’s strategy is to promote human rights at all levels of Haitian society, she said, noting that BINUH’s human rights section recently supported the training of 61 magistrates from Port-au-Prince and Croix des Bouquets on investigative techniques in sexual violence.  On the security front, she said that the building of the base that will house the Multinational Security Support mission — approved by Security Council resolution 2699 (2023) — has been completed, and a first group of Kenyan police officers arrived on 25 June for deployment.  She also welcomed the recent designation of a new Director General of the Haitian National Police as this “brings new hope to the continuous fight against gang violence”.

Going forward, she said, establishing a coordination mechanism among national authorities, the Multinational Security Support mission, the UN and other partners in Haiti will be critical to promoting complementarities, exchanging information and devising effective communication strategies.  Resolution 2692 (2023) authorized a strengthened police component in BINUH but the UN’s financial situation and its hiring freeze prevented the Office from moving forward with scaling up the police and corrections area.  Resolution 2699 (2023) mandates the Multinational Security Support mission to establish a human rights oversight mechanism.  As that mission deploys, it is also fundamental to strengthen the human rights area in BINUH to provide the necessary support, she said.  Lastly, she invited the Council to visit Haiti if and when it is considered opportune.


The representative of the United States said that the crisis in Haiti remains dire, with nearly 5 million people grappling with severe food insecurity.  Food, water and medicine are often in short supply, and States must surge humanitarian assistance to those in need.  Across the country, gangs have carried out terrible atrocities, including killings, mass rapes, kidnappings, forced recruitment, exploitation and trafficking of children.  Coordinated attacks by gangs have pushed tens of thousands of residents from their homes. For its part, Washington, D.C., intends to provide $309 million to the Multinational Security Support mission, she said, stating:  “Our support for the people of Haiti is unwavering.”  She further stressed the need to promote accountability for past atrocities, adding that the Council must consider sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for actions that threaten peace and security in Haiti.  On the illicit flow of arms into Haiti, she highlighted her country’s efforts to enforce the arms embargo.

The representative of Ecuador, noting Haiti’s “historic contribution for the freedom of Latin America and the Caribbean period”, said it is time to measure up to that legacy. Welcoming the appointment of the Transitional Presidential Council, the Prime Minister and the ministerial cabinet, he said the establishment of a provisional electoral council is the next step, leading to the holding of free, transparent and fair elections in February 2026.  The partial deployment of the Multinational Security Support mission must be adequately supported, he said, calling for the strengthening of the Trust Fund. Implementing the mission’s mandate and strengthening the Haitian National Police requires a coordination mechanism that includes the Haitian authorities, the mission and the UN.  Also noting the high levels of food insecurity and systematic human rights abuses by gangs, he stressed that the judicial and penitentiary systems must be able to hold perpetrators accountable.  Calling on Council members to prevent the sale, supply and transfer of weapons to non-authorized actors in that country, he said that Haiti represents an “existential trial” for the Council.

The representative of France, welcoming the arrival of the first Kenyan police officers, noted that this is the first step in deploying the Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti.  For its part, France has contributed €3 million to the relevant UN trust fund, along with €850,000 to the International Organization of la Francophonie (OIF) to provide language training to those deployed.  Emphasizing the mission’s importance in assisting the Haitian National Police — “which has been under immense strain under the past few months” — she said that the Police are essential for creating conditions conducive for elections.  She also underscored the need to restore democratic institutions — “without which there can be no stability in Haiti”.  Thus, the new Government must develop a road map for organizing elections pursuant to the agreement reached in Kingston, and the Council “must continue to accompany Haiti on the path of stability” by renewing BINUH’s mandate and adding those who support gangs to the relevant sanctions list.

The representative of Guyana, speaking also for Algeria, Mozambique and Sierra Leone, commended the ongoing support provided to Haiti by BINUH and relevant UN agencies, often under challenging conditions.  She also acknowledged the contributions of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the support of other regional and international partners towards the country’s stability.  The Secretary-General’s latest report recorded 3,252 intentional homicides from January to May 2024.  In this regard, she welcomed the arrival of the first contingent of Kenyan police officers in Port-au-Prince as part of the Multinational Security Support mission. She called for scaling up tangible support, especially by financially contributing to the Multinational Security Support mission Trust Fund.

“Over the past few months, we have witnessed the brave efforts of the Haitian National Police to secure critical infrastructure,” she said, expressing regret over the killing of more than 20 police officers by gangs since January.  The Council “must also do its part”, she urged, adding:  “We look forward to the expansion of the sanctions regime and to considering further appropriate measures.”  Preventing the illegal flow of weapons and ammunition into Haiti is critical to stabilizing the security situation.  Member States must continue to support measures to combat such flows that enable criminal activity.  Haiti has paid dearly for its independence and paved the way for the independence of so many others in this hemisphere and beyond.  “While the country’s future lies in their hands, we, the international community, have an important role in supporting their inherent right to live in peace and dignity,” she stressed.

The representative of Switzerland said that to restore the stability and security that Haiti urgently needs, it is essential that the Multinational Security Support mission achieves its objectives in accordance with its mandate and with full respect for international law.  As well, the forming of a new Government is an essential step towards a more stable and prosperous future for the country and should pave the way for the holding of free, fair and secure elections, she stressed, reiterating the importance of including women in all political processes. Urging full, safe, rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need, she underlined the vital importance of increasing humanitarian aid to meet the urgent needs of the population.  The start of the tropical storm season, including the worrying development of Hurricane Beryl and its impact on the whole region, is also a reminder that the humanitarian situation can deteriorate rapidly, she observed. Accordingly, investments must be made in building resilience through disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures.

The representative of China, noting some progress on the political and security fronts as well as the arrival of the Multinational Security Support mission, said the root causes of the multidimensional Haitian crisis are yet to be addressed.  It is crucial to advance the political process, he said, noting that the lack of elections in the country since 2016 has resulted in a political vacuum, which in turn led to a breakdown of law and order.  It is essential to put forth a credible election timeline and promote a Haitian-owned, Haitian-led political process, he said, stressing the importance of building the capacity of the National Police.  Noting the incessant influx of illicit weapons, he highlighted the police seizure of arms and ammunition from the United States, recalled the Council’s arms embargo on Haiti, and urged the former to tighten its control of weapons.  Expressing support for BINUH’s existing mandate, he said the time is not right to expand its presence outside the capital and add electoral functions.

The representative of Malta welcomed the swearing-in of the Transitional Presidential Council, the designation of an interim Prime Minister and the installation of Haiti’s new Government as “crucial steps to political stability”.  Also welcoming the arrival of the first contingent of the Multinational Security Support mission on 25 June, he called for increased financial and logistical assistance to the mission.  For its part, the mission must “act with the highest standards of conduct and discipline, based on clear human-rights protocols, and with effective oversight”, he said. Expressing concern over reports stating that children represent up to 50 per cent of gang members, he underscored the importance of child protection in the planning and conduct of the mission’s operations — as stated in resolution 2699 (2023).  He also expressed support for the use of targeted sanctions, along with hope that the Council will update the list of designated individuals and entities.

The representative of Japan said that addressing security alone is not sufficient, saying that “it should go hand in hand with Haitian efforts to tackle the intertwined root causes from a medium- and long-term perspective”.  Such efforts include building resilience to prevent a relapse into crisis.  In this vein, a comprehensive approach ensuring the humanitarian-development-peace nexus is needed, and the Peacebuilding Commission can help make the international community’s approach more comprehensive through its bridging, convening and catalytic roles within and beyond the UN system.  BINUH has played a significant role in supporting Haitian-led and -owned efforts.  Tokyo supports the extension of its mandate and will actively engage in the discussion towards more effective sanctions, he said.

The representative of Slovenia, highlighting the progress made in the transitional Governance arrangements in Haiti, welcomed the appointment of interim Prime Minister Garry Conille and the installation of the Cabinet of Ministers, which includes women in key positions.  “We assure the Haitian people of our continued support as they transition to restore democratic institutions through elections”, he said, underlining the need to strengthen BINUH’s mandated activities in preparation for the elections.  However, he emphasized that recent positive milestones in transitional governance in Haiti must be accompanied by urgently needed improvements in the security situation. To this end, he welcomed the deployment of the first contingent of 200 Kenyan police officers to support the Haitian National Police and supported BINUH’s activities in the wider criminal justice sector, including corrections, ensuring accountability for serious human rights abuses.  All these efforts should be complemented by the effective implementation of the arms embargo to stem the flow of illicit arms and ammunition to Haiti, he added.

The representative of the United Kingdom underscored that “the multifaceted crisis in Haiti has impacted the lives of Haitians for far too long”.  Schools are closed, hospitals have run out of supplies and access to food is severely limited.  “We continue to hear chilling accounts of gangs using sexual and gender-based violence as a means to control the population,” she said, commending the recent arrival of members of the Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti, which remains vital to supporting Haitian efforts to resolve instability.  The United Kingdom has pledged over $6 million to the mission.  She urged Haitian political and civil society — including with the active participation of women and youth — to seize this opportunity to address the root causes of the security crisis and create the conditions necessary to bring about a lasting change.  Further, she highlighted BINUH’s important role in supporting the Transitional Government, noting that this should be coordinated with the Multinational Security Support mission.

The representative of the Republic of Korea said Haiti is still suffering from rampant gang violence that prevents its people from having access to essential supplies, including health care, food and water, amid unprecedented hunger and displacement.  With a rising number of homicides and kidnappings perpetrated by armed gangs, the lives of civilians are at substantial risk.  Also, gender-based violence has become part of a tactic by armed gangs to instil fear in communities.  Despite these ongoing security challenges, there have been some “visible signs of hope”, he said, pointing to the arrival of 200 Kenyan police officers in Port-au-Prince.  The Multinational Security Support mission will provide crucial support for the Haitian National Police in countering gangs, help enhance security around critical infrastructure and ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance.  He further stressed the need to strengthen BINUH’s crucial role to support holding free and fair elections, protect human rights and provide advisory support to the Haitian National Police.

The representative of the Russian Federation, Council President for July, speaking in his national capacity, said the transitional authorities must prioritize holding elections, restoring order and establishing interim administrative bodies.  “Any external interference in these processes is unacceptable”, he underscored.  Noting that armed groups continue to control key entry and exit points of the capital as well as important transportation facilities, he noted that the main route for weapons smuggling runs from Florida to Haiti.  The current embargo is not preventing the flow of weapons from the United States, he said, also noting that the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2653 (2022) is backing down from using sanctions to tackle this problem.  Its current list consists of five people who are leaders of criminal gangs; however, the criminal world’s activities are a small part of the problem.  Further, gangs do not have property or assets abroad and do not travel abroad, unlike United States arms dealers, he pointed out.  The Multinational Security Support mission must work in close coordination with the national security forces.  “We have been promised a non-repetition of past mistakes”, he said, noting that the mission’s activities and public perception will be closely watched.

GARRY CONILLE, interim Prime Minister of Haiti, stating that his country’s people “continue to fight for a better future”, underlined the “urgent need to find a lasting solution to the security problems exacerbated by the activities of criminal gangs”.  He also urged effective cooperation between national authorities, the Multinational Security Support mission and BINUH to help re-establish security and restore democratic institutions — “which are strategic for the transition”.  Calling for solidarity to help Haiti emerge from the crises that have plagued it for several decades, he stressed:  “Every day must be used wisely.”  On that, he reported that, since his appointment as interim Prime Minister, he has held several working sessions involving the Transitional Presidential Council, anti-corruption and accountability institutions, law-enforcement agencies, the private sector and diaspora associations.  More than ever, Haiti must mobilize all necessary available resources “to make this transition the last one”, he stressed.

Noting that Haiti is at a “critical point” — as 12,000 armed individuals hold hostage a population of 12 million — he said: “At this decisive juncture, no project, be it economic or political, can be tackled without addressing the security issue.”  He therefore welcomed implementation of the commitments made in resolution 2699 (2023), stating that the deployment of the first contingent of police officers from the Multinational Security Support mission alongside Haitian law-enforcement agencies should help put a stop to the activities of criminal groups.  “But Haiti must escape the spiral of security missions once and for all,” he urged, calling for a redefined approach such that, by the mission’s end, Haiti will have strong, effective institutions.  To that end, the Government will adopt a holistic, community-based approach to security — the former because economic recovery and access to basic social services must be done concomitantly, the latter because the population’s trust in the police must be restored.

He also detailed the Government’s aim to establish adequate infrastructure that complies with modern building standards, reorganize certain towns, re-establish basic social services and create employment opportunities. “This is the only way to restore lasting peace and security in Haiti,” he said.  “There is no Haitian inevitability,” he added, stating that the current situation results from a policy that separated the State and the people. Thus, to do things differently, the Government will facilitate elections and constitutional reform, strengthen mechanisms to combat corruption and impunity, develop security strategies that focus on the interaction between people and the police and modernize the judiciary.  Stressing, as new international security forces arrive, that the international community must recall that Haiti’s history with foreign intervention “has been a mixed bag”, he urged the establishment of mechanisms to ensure not only security, but also dignity and respect, “to ensure that mistakes of the past are not repeated”.

ROBERTO ÁLVAREZ GIL, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, said that while the main responsibility for stability in Haiti lies with that country’s people and leaders, the international community’s support has been essential.  He recognized the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council for such contributions, the United States for providing a major part of funding, Kenya for leading the Multinational Security Support mission, and Canada for providing training and equipment for the mission.  He also highlighted the tireless mediation work by CARICOM.  “The initial progress that today we’re seeing is the fruit of multilateral cooperation”, he said, adding:  “It’s proof that this is the right path”.  For its part, he said, his country will provide medical assistance to the mission personnel on Dominican territory, urging all countries that have committed funding for the mission to fulfil their pledges.

He then advocated for better implementing the relevant Council resolutions on arms embargo and sanctions.  BINUH has significantly contributed to reducing crime in Haiti by supporting judicial reforms, training civil servants, promoting human rights, and assisting employment and educational programs for young people. “BINUH has been truly a source of hope for the Haitian people”, he said, stressing that in this new chapter, it should maintain its role in supporting the new Government and the mission.  BINUH must also play a vital role in coordinating the electoral process which will grant legitimacy to the new Government.  He urged the Council to acknowledge the importance of BINUH and renovate its mandate to ensure Haiti’s peace, stability and development.  “It is our duty as members of the international community to be up to this great challenge and to demonstrate that solidarity and compassion transcend borders”, he said.

The representative of Canada, speaking on behalf of the Economic and Social Council Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti, welcomed the positive steps taken by Haitian actors to establish an inclusive transition Government.  He underscored the need to support Haiti to urgently address the immediate humanitarian needs of the Haitian population set out in the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan — only 23 per cent of which is funded.  Welcoming the arrival of the Multinational Security Support mission to Port-au-Prince last week, he encouraged States to contribute “to making the mission a success”.  Expressing hope that the deployment of the mission will bolster the capacity of the Haitian National Police to restore security, he stressed that “Haitians require security to safely leave their homes without fear of being killed, kidnapped or raped”.

He further encouraged Haitian institutions to address the root causes of the country’s vulnerability and instability — including extreme poverty, corruption, impunity, and collusion between the political and economic spheres.  In particular, Haitian capacities should provide security and human rights protection for the population; deliver essential services, including education and health; build resilient food systems; curb the flow of arms and ammunition to gangs; dismantle gangs and reduce violence at the community level; empower women and girls and address sexual and gender-based violence; invest in education and vocational opportunities for youth; strengthen the rule of law; and build the country’s resilience to the disruptive impacts of natural hazards and climate change.  To advance Haitian-led solutions, the active support and expertise of the United Nations across these areas is essential, he added.

The representative of Saint Kitts and Nevis, speaking on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), welcomed the progress made in strengthening good governance in Haiti.  Emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration among Council members and other stakeholders, she said the appointment of transitional authorities is critical for holding free and fair elections and expressed the region’s steadfast support to Haiti’s people.  Tackling gang violence remains one of the most pressing priorities, she said, noting the significant rise in the number of intentional homicides, incidents of sexual violence against women and girls and the recruitment of children.  Highlighting the demolition of three police stations and three prisons by gangs, she said such “deliberate attacks on institutions that form part of the criminal justice system must be seen as strategic actions aimed at keeping the country in a state of lawlessness”.

Applauding Kenya for deploying the first contingent of police officers to Haiti and expressing support to the Multinational Security Support mission, she stressed that international partners must make additional efforts to fulfil the budgetary and operational needs of the mission.  Highlighting the underfunding of the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan, she said the state of food insecurity in Haiti remains a source of concern.  Drawing attention to its impact on children, she said it is alarming that 276,136 children aged 6 to 59 months are likely to suffer from acute malnutrition by the end of 2024.  The international community must accelerate efforts to provide Haiti with adequate support to build stronger democratic institutions and restore peace and stability, she stressed.

The representative of Kenya stated:  “We are delighted to confirm to the Council that the deployment of the first contingent by Kenya has taken effect.”  On 25 June, the first Kenyan police contingent of the Multinational Security Support mission — comprising 200 formed police units — arrived in Port-au-Prince.  Since its arrival, the contingent has held operational meetings with the Haitian National Police and commenced joint operations — undertaking several significant assessments to guide the mission’s operations.  A delegation of senior officials from Kenya engaged with a range of Haitian stakeholders.  At the operational level, the team held numerous meetings, including with the leadership of the country and its National Police.

In all cases, the leadership welcomed the deployment of the first contingent of the Multinational Security Support mission, expressing hope that the mission would support the Haitian National Police in the fight to eradicate gangs, restore public safety and security, build safer neighbourhoods and secure free, fair and credible elections. Additionally, Haiti’s interim Prime Minister announced a robust strategy to liberate the country from gang control, reaffirming the Government’s commitment to closely working with the Haitian National Police and the newly arrived Kenyan forces.  Urging “the conversion of pledges into concrete support”, she called on States to step up their support for the mission and the people of Haiti.  She also advocated for stronger coordination with BINUH on the ground to ensure seamless interoperability in delivering humanitarian access.

For information media. Not an official record.