9th & 10th Meetings (AM & PM)

Continuing 2024 Session, Non-Governmental Organizations Committee Defers Action on 47 Requests for Consultative Status, Takes Note of 364 Quadrennial Reports

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations continued its 2024 session today, deferring action on 47 requests for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, while taking note of 364 new quadrennial reports submitted by groups already in consultative status.

The Committee deferred its consideration of 16 new quadrennial reports, as members requested further information from those organizations about, among other items, details of their activities, partners, expenditures and sources of funding for the periods under review.

The 19-member Committee considers applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification submitted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  Once an application has been reviewed and approved by the Committee, it is considered recommended for consultative status.  Organizations which were granted general and special status can attend meetings of the Council and issue statements, while those with general status can also speak during meetings and propose agenda items.  Organizations with roster status can only attend meetings.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will meet again at 10 a.m. on Monday, 29 January, to continue its session.

Special Consultative Status

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations postponed consideration of the following entities:

Free the Slaves (United States) — as the representative of China asked for information regarding its activities since 2021, particularly its work overseas;

Global Citizen Forum (Canada) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for a detailed breakdown of its expenditures for 2021-22;

Hayrat Humanitarian Aid Association (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia asked for information on its coordination centres abroad and how they fit within its organizational structure;

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy — Non-profit Civil Association (Greece) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for examples of activities carried out in 2022-23;

Human Rights Activists (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked how it can operate when its expenses are higher than its income;

IFEX (Canada) — as the representative of Eritrea asked for information relating to the independent evaluations of its member-support mechanisms that it conducted and how the organization measures progress towards its strategic objectives;

International Association for the Development of the Abaza-Abkhaz Ethnos “Alashara” (Russian Federation) — as the representative of Georgia asked it to align the terminology it uses in its materials with UN terminology, namely “Abkhazia, Georgia”, adding that certain instances of the term being deleted does not mean it was changed;

International Cultural Diversity Organization (Austria) — as the representative of China asked for information on the measures it uses to ensure that its cooperation with Government agencies does not affect its independence;

International Human Rights Commission La Commission Internationale des Droits de l’homme Mezinárodní komise pro lidská práva — nadační fond, ve zkrácené formě IHRC — nadační fond (Switzerland) — as the representative of Armenia asked for information about associated entities and its parent organization;

Just Peace Advocates Mouvement pour une paix juste (Canada) — as the representative of Israel asked for a list of donors and those who receive donations from the organization and, following a request for clarification from the Chair, asked for a list of organizational donors;

Justice for All (United States) — as the representative of Israel asked for a detailed breakdown of its voluntary contributions;

L’institut européen de droit international et les relations internationals (IEDI) — The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIL) (France) — as the representative of China asked for information relating to its administrative expenses;

Life Bliss Foundation, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of India asked it to explain its relationship with Swami Nithyananda;

Luftbrücke Irak e.V. (Germany) — as the representative of Türkiye asked how the members of its executive board are elected and whether the board’s composition has changed since 2020;

MENA Rights Group (Switzerland) — as the representative of Israel asked for further details about its administrative expenses;

Magistrats Europeens pour la Democratie et les Libertes (MEDEL) (France) — as the representative of Türkiye asked what type of activities it has conducted to advance the rights of immigrants and minorities in 2022-23;

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Of Oklahoma City, Inc (United States) — as the representative of India asked for a weblink where Committee members can access information about its substantive activities and, following a request for clarification from the Secretariat, asked for information about the substantive activities undertaken by the organization over the last five years that relate to the Economic and Social Council’s work;

Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Hindu Tempel (Netherlands) — as the representative of India asked how its one board member was elected and how a one-member board can ensure democratic functioning;

PVBLIC Foundation, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked for information about the countries in which it undertakes its projects, the purposes thereof and staff outside of its headquarters;

Peace Without Limits (PWL) International Organization, Inc. (Switzerland) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for information about its administrative hiring process and how it ensures such administration is representative of its membership;

Photographers without Borders (Canada) — as the representative of China asked how it determines its annual fee;

Protection International (Belgium) — as the representative of China asked for details of its participation in UN conferences and activities in 2021-23;

Rescue: Freedom International (United States) — as the representative of India asked whether individuals can become members of the organization;

Robert Bosch Stiftung Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Germany) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for information concerning its financial relationship with its mother organization;

SJAC (United States) — as the representative of Eritrea asked for information about the objectives of its open-source software database;

Salam for Democracy and Human Rights (United Kingdom) — as the representative of China asked for details about its participation in UN conferences and activities in 2021-23, as well as about its plan of work for 2024;

SosyalBen Vakfı (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia asked for information on its activities planned for 2024, as well as their sources of funding;

Stichting InterNations Exchange (Netherlands) — as the representative of China asked for information about the outcomes of its work in 2022-23;

Su Politikaları Derneği (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia asked for a list of the universities with which it has collaborated over the last five years;

Terre Des Femmes — Menschenrechte fuer die Frau e.V. (Germany) — as the representative of Nicaragua asked for a list of projects undertaken to reduce gender-based violence in Germany and Europe in 2023, as well as how it measures the impact of its activities;

The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (United States) — as the representative of China asked for information on the outcomes of its work since 2019;

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (United States) — as the representative of China asked for information on its research team and how it ensures that its research outcomes are reliable;

The International Center for Supporting Rights and Freedoms (Switzerland) — as the representative of China asked for a list of activities carried out in 2022-23;

The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked how it operates with a deficit;

The Zakat Foundation of America (United States) — as the representative of China asked for information relating to its planned focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the next five years;

Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV) (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia asked for information regarding its planned projects for 2024-25;

US Council of Muslim Organizations (United States) — as the representative of China asked for information relating to its activities in 2021-23, including its participation in UN activities;

Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Kalkındırma Derneği (Türkiye) — as the representative of Israel asked for information on its health-sector-support projects implemented in 2022;

Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights (United States) — as the representative of China asked for information regarding the funds it receives from other non-governmental organizations;

Yetim Vakfı (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia asked about the membership of the entity’s executive body and sought details about its activities outside the country where it is registered;

Öz Gida Sanayi Ve Yardimci İşçileri Sendikasi (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia asked the entity to provide a detailed breakdown of its expenditure; and

İnsani Hayat Derneği (Türkiye) — as the representative of Armenia sought more information about its cooperation with a humanitarian relief organization.


The Committee took note of the merger of Stiftung Brot fuer Alle, which was granted special consultative status in 2012, and Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz, which does not have consultative status, to form Hilfswerk der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirche Schweiz.

The Committee deferred action on the new entity as the representative of China requested information on the activities of Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz from 2021 and 2023.

Review of Quadrennial Reports

The Committee turned to new quadrennial reports for the period 2019 to 2022.

Document E/C.2/2024/2, 15 non-governmental organizations:  AFEDESE — Association pour l’encadrement des demunis et des désherités; Action Citoyenne pour l’Information et l’Education au Developpement Durable; Action pour le Respect et la Protection de l’Environnement; Actions pour l’environnement et le développement durable; Afric’ompetence; Agence pour les droits de l’homme; Aide Internationale pour L’enfance; Appui Solidaire Pour Le Renforcement De L’aide Au Développement; Association “Paix” pour la lutte contre la Contrainte et l’injustice; Association Africa 21; Association Assistance Communautaire et Développement; Association Burkinabé pour la Survie de l’Enfance; Association Mauritanienne pour la promotion du droit; Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse du Champ Freudien AMP; and Association du développement communautaire en Mauritanie.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/2.

Document E/C.2/2024/2/Add.1, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Association de la jeunesse Congolaise pour le développement; Association des Ressortissants et Amis D’Eseka; Association nationale de coopération pour le developpement du Cameroun (ANACODECAM); Association pour les Victimes Du Monde; Association pour une jeunesse africaine progressiste; Avocats sans Frontières Québec; Burundi Rugby League Rugby A Xiii Cooperative; Centre d’accompagnement des autochtones pygmees et minoritaires vulnérables; Centre de vulgarisation de l’outil informatique (C.V.O.I); Centre international de droit comparé de l’environnement; Chant du Guépard dans le Désert; Commission africaine des promoteurs de la santé et des droits de l’homme; Conseil International du Sport Militaire — CISM / International Military Sports Council; Conseil de jeunesse pluriculturelle (COJEP); and Construisons Ensemble Le Monde.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/2/Add.1.

Document E/C.2/2024/2/Add.2, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Dignité Impact / Dignity Impact; Du Pain Pour Chaque Enfant; Espace Afrique International; Fondation Institut de recherche pour le développement durable et les relations internationales; Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l’Environnement; Fondation du Dr Julien; Forum Azzahrae pour la Femme Marocaine; Forum Réfugiés-Cosi; France Libertes: Fondation Danielle Mitterrand; Handicap International; Human Rights National Circle (H.R.N.C.) / Cercle National des Droits de l´Homme (C.N.D.H.); Inter-Action Globale (I.A.G.); International Federation of ACAT (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture); International Federation of Associations of the Elderly; and Merja Zarka.

The Committee took note of the reports of 12 organizations in E/C.2/2024/2/Add.2, deferring the reports of three entities, as the representative of Algeria sought more information about the activities and facilities of Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l’Environnement and asked Forum Azzahrae pour la Femme Marocaine to explain how its vice-president was elected or appointed.

The representative of China asked France Libertes:  Fondation Danielle Mitterrand to elaborate on its side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference, including the outcome.

Document E/C.2/2024/2/Add.3, 15 non-governmental organizations:  African Association of Education for Development; Organisation internationale pour l’enfance; Organisation pour de nouvelles Initiatives en Développement et Santé au Burkina Faso; Partenaires pour le développement rural (PDR); Perfect Union; SOS Éducation; Social Watch / Contrôle citoyen au Bénin; Solidarité Suisse-Guinée; Synergie Feminine Pour La Paix Et Le Developpement Durable; Union Nationale des femmes Algérienne; United Towns Agency for North-South Cooperation; Villages Unis (United Villages); and Voie éclairée des enfants démunis (V.E.D.).

The Committee took note of the reports of 13 entities contained in E/C.2/2024/2/Add.3, deferring two reports, as the representative of Algeria asked Réseau Africain pour le Développement, la Gouvernance et les Droits Humains (RADHEG) to provide information about their focus points and Union de l’action féminine to elaborate on their activities from 2019 to 2022.

Document E/C.2/2024/2/Add.4, five non-governmental organizations:  Action des Chrétiens activistes des droits de l’homme à Shabunda; Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement; Lion Damien Club; Nouveaux droits de l’homme (NDH); and Wassa Karité.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/2/Add.4.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.6, 15 non-governmental organizations:  “All-Russian Society of the Deaf” All-Russian Public Organization of Persons with Disabilities — “ARSD” APOPD; “SEG” Civil Society Support Center NGO; “Vətəndaşların Sosial Rifahı Naminə” ictimai birliyi;(COM) Club of Madrid; A New Dawn — Bedouin Jewish Centre in the Negev for Equality and Accessibility in Education, Research, Peace and Welfare Services (R.A.); AIESEC International; ALDET Centre-Saint Lucia, The; ALNAHDA PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY for WOMEN; AMERA International Limited; ASTRA — Anti trafficking Action; Abibimman Foundation; Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia; Abshar Atefeha Charity Institute; Academy for Future Science; and Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

The Committee took note of the reports of 13 entities contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.6, deferring two reports, as the representative of Armenia asked “Vətəndaşların Sosial Rifahı Naminə” ictimai birliyi to explain their initiatives in the report, and the representative of China request more information from Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences about the change of structure regarding its Standing Committee.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.7, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Action Sensibilisation sur les Nouvelles Technologies de L’Information et de la Communication; Active Help Organization; Adolescent Breast and Pelvic Cancer Awareness Initiative; Afraz Cultural Association; Africa Development Interchange Network; Africa Youths International Development Foundation; African Action on AIDS; African Youth for Transparency (AYFT); Afrikanische Frauenorganisation; Agencia Internacional de Cooperación y Desarrollo; Agewell Foundation; Aid for Trade Logistics; Ajoke Ayisat Afolabi Foundation; Al-Hakim Foundation; and Alberta Council for Global Cooperation.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.7.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.8, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Alebe Collins Nigeria Foundation; All-Russian Social Fund, “The Russian Children Foundation”; Alliance for Health Promotion (A4HP); American Academy of Arts and Sciences; American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc / AYUDA, Inc.; Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto; Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church; Ankara Foundation of Children with Leukemia; Antiviolence Center; Apex Development Foundation; AquaFed — International Federation of Private Water Operators; Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre; ArabEuropean Forum for Dialogue and Human Rights; Arms of Comfort Foundation; and UNGH PROTECTION ORGANIZATION.

The Committee took note of the reports of 14 organizations contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.8, deferring the report of Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre, as the representative of Türkiye sought more information about its activities and facilities in the countries in which it operates.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.9, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Asia Initiatives Inc; Asian People’s Disability Alliance; Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas (Cuban United Nations Association); Asociación Cultural Nueva Acrópolis de El Salvador; Asociación La Ruta del Clima; Asociación para la Prevención, Reinserción y Atención a la Mujer Prostituida; Associació CATESCO/Catalonia for Education, Science and Culture Organization; Associated Country Women of the World; Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration; Association Miraisme International; Association Nationale Al Hidn — A.N.H.; Association Of Professional Social Workers And Development Practitioners; Association Proyecto Hombre; Association canadienne pour le droit et la vérité; and Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst — AECC.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.9.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.10, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Alliance Forum Foundation; Association for Progressive Communications; Association for Supporting the SDGs for the UN (ASD); Association of Global South Studies (AGSS); Association of United Families International; Association of War-Affected Women; Associazione Carcere Territorio; Associação Jadir de Taekwondo; Assyrian Aid Society — Iraq; Athletes United for Peace; Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Ltd; Azad Foundation [India]; Babatunde Development And Empowerment Initiative; Bahrain Women Society; and Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha.

The Committee took note of 14 organizations contained in Report E/C.2/2024/CRP.10, deferring the report of Assyrian Aid Society — Iraq, as the representative of Türkiye asked the group to elaborate on its discussions and cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Health Organization and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Iraq during the reporting period.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.11, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization; Beijing Changier Education Foundation; Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center; Beijing Crafts Council; Beijing Guangming Charity Foundation; Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid and Research Center; Belgische associatie voor mensenrechten en ontwikkeling; Belgrade Centre for Human Rights; Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti Jaipur; Brain Sluice Africa Child’s; Broad National Movement (BNM) Limited Ltd; Buddha’s Light International Association; Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal BIC; CGFNS International, Inc.; and CIDSE.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.11.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.12, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Campaign Life Coalition; Campaign for Human Right and Development Sierra Leone; Canadian Canola Growers Association; Canadian Network for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health / Réseau Canadien sur la Santé des Mères, des Nouveau-Nés et des Enfants; Canadian Pugwash Group; Canterbury & New Zealand Business Association, Incorporated; Care International; Caribbean Medical Association, Asociacion Medica del Caribe; Caritas Internationalis (International Confederation of Catholic Charities); Casa Hunter Associação Brasileira Dos Portadores Da Doença De Hunter E Outras Doenças Raras; Catholic Relief Services — United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; Center for Economic and Social Rights, The; Center for Interethnic Cooperation, The; Center for International Earth Science Information Network; and Center for Sex education and Family Life Ltd/Gte.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.12.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.13, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Center for the Study of Crime; Centre catholique international de Genève (CCIG); Centre for Community Regeneration and Development; Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development India; Centre for Equality Ltd.; Centre for Health Science and Law (CHSL); Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change; Centro Mujeres A.C.; Centro de Estudios Sobre la Juventud; Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas (CEDRO); Centro internazionale sindacale per la cooperazione sviluppo; Chavara Cultural Centre; Chengmei Charity Foundation; Child Development Foundation; and Child Rights Connect.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.13.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.14, 15 non-governmental organizations:  CLIPSAS; Childlink Foundation; Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania; China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetian Culture (CAPDTC); China Association of Non-Profit Organizations; China Charities Aid Foundation For Children; China Charity Alliance; China Foundation for Rural Development; China Great Wall Society; Chinese American Parent-Student Council of New York City Inc.; Chinese Association for International Understanding; Christian Legal Fellowship; Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice; Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre; and Colombian Confederation of NGOs.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.14.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.15, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Comision Juridica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos — Capaj; Community Human Rights and Advocacy Centre (CHRAC); Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; Compassion Soul Winners Outreach International; Concepts of Truth, Inc.; Concern on Innovative Radiance Society; Confederación Latinoamericana De Cooperativas De Ahorro Y Crédito; Confederation of Indian Healthcare Foundation (CIHF); Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro — General Italian Confederation of Labour; Congregations of St. Joseph; Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI); Convention of Independent Financial Advisors; Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations; Cruelty Free International; and Cámara de Instituciones de Diagnóstico Médico (CA.DI.ME).

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.15

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.16, 15 non-governmental organizations:  DEVNET Association; Dansk Flygtningehjælp; Darüşşafaka Cemiyeti; Deaf Aid; Defence for Children International; Development Action for Women Network, Inc.; Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era; Development Generation Africa International (DGAI); Development Innovations and Networks; Dianova International; Diplomatic Council e.V.; Direct Aid Organization; Disabled Peoples’ International; Disabled Women’s Association; and Disease Management Association of India.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.16.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.17, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Drammeh Institute, Inc; Dream Doctors (R.A.); EIVHGI — Europäeischer Interessenverband — Handel — Gewerbe — Industrie; EL-Aged Care Ltd/Gte; ELEM — Youth in Distress; EMERGENCY — Life Support for Civilian War Victims; Earth; Ecocentre for Environmental Protection; Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights; El Cantare Foundation; Elizka Relief Foundation; Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development; Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement — Bwaise Facility; Environmental Women’s Assembly; and Envisions Institute of Development.

The Committee took note of all reports in E/C.2/2024/CRP.17.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.18, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Equidad de Genero: Ciudadania, Trabajo y Familia, A.C.; Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, The — (ERLC); European Centre for Law and Justice, The / Centre Europeen pour le droit, les Justice et les droits de l’homme; European Disability Forum; FEMM Foundation; Federacion Internacional de Asociaciones de Ayuda Social Ecologica y Cultural FIADASEC / International Federation of Associations for Social, Ecological and Cultural Help; Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría; Federal Lezghin National and Cultural Autonomy; Federal Union of European Nationalities; Feminenza International Ltd; Fondation Medicines Patent Pool; Fondation européenne d’études progressistes; Fondation pour l’éradication du travail des enfants dans la culture du tabac; Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna; and Fondazione di ricerca scientifica ed umanistica Antonio Meneghetti.

The Committee took note of the reports of 14 organizations contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.18, deferring one report, as the representative of China sought more information from European Centre for Law and Justice about its relationships with some United Nations bodies.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.19, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Fonds Tara; Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action Aboriginal Corporation; Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities; Foundation for Ecological Security (FES); Foundation for the development of knowledge Suma Veritas; Franciscans International; Freedom House; Freedom Now; Fundacion Saraki; Fundacion para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad; Fundación Abba Colombia; Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales; Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez de la Naturaleza y el Hombre; Fundación Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos; and Fundación Cepaim, Acción Integral con Migrantes.

The Committee took note of the reports of 14 entities contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.19, deferring one, as the representative of China asked Freedom House to elaborate on how it contributes to the work of the United Nations.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.20, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial; Fundación Latinoamericana por los Derechos Humanos y el Desarrollo Social; Fundación Luz María; Fundación Riba; Fundación para la Democracia Internacional; Fédération internationale des associations d’inventeurs; GSM Association; Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute; Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN); Georgetown University (The); Girl Scouts of the United States of America; Global Action on Aging; Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety; Global Buddhist Foundation; and Global Forum on Human Settlements.

The Committee took note of all reports contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.20.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.21, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Global Justice Center; Global Medic Force (Europe); Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD); Global Peace Foundation; Global Volunteers; Godwin Osung International Foundation, Inc. (The African Project); Good Helpers; Good People International (GPI); Grace Leadership Foundation Inc; Grand Triangle, Inc.; Green Mobilisation Initiative; Green and Better World; Grupo de Informacion en Reproduccion Elegida, A.C. (GIRE); Habitat for Humanity Int’l; and Hazrat Javad-al-Aemeh Cultural Charity Institute.

The Committee took note of all reports contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.21.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.22, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Healthy Start Initiative; Helios Life Association; Helpline Foundation for the Needy, Abuja; Heritage Foundation, The; Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation; Hinduistička Vjerska Zajednica Hrvatske; Hong Kong Council of Social Service, The; Hope and Homes for Children; Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee (HAVOYOCO); Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society; Human Appeal International; Human In Love; Human Rights & Democratic Participation Center “SHAMS”; Human Rights Center in Iraq; and Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM).

The Committee took note of the reports of 14 organizations contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.22, deferring one, as the representative of Cuba asked Heritage Foundation to provide the names of the high-ranking United Nations officials it met with and the purpose of those meetings.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.23, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International; Human Rights Law Centre; Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa; IMPACT Foundation Inc.: The Emmanuel & Una Springer Memorial Foundation; Imam Ali Charity Institution; Indo-European Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Institute for International Urban Development; Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (ISDR); Institute for Women’s Studies and Research; Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Loreto Generalate; Instituto Global da Paz; Instituto Qualivida; Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos; Integrated Youth Empowerment — Common Initiative Group (I.Y.E. — C.I.G.); and International Action Network on Small Arms.

The Committee took note of the reports of 13 organizations contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.23, deferring two, as the representative of China requested more information from Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International about its projects and from Human Rights Law Centre about their communications with treaty bodies and its influence on the Human Rights Council.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.24, 15 non-governmental organizations:  International Action for Peace & Sustainable Development; International Alliance for Responsible Drinking; International Alliance of Women; International Arts Movement, Inc.; International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty — Association Internationale Pour La Defense de la Liberte; International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, association sans but lucratif; International Association of Charities; International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing; International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists; International Association of Justice Watch; International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms; International Association of Schools of Social Work; International Association of World Peace Advocate; International Campaign to Ban Landmines — Cluster Munition Coalition ICBL-CMC; and International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (INCPL).

The Committee took note of the reports of 14 organizations contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.24, deferring one, as the representative of Türkiye sought information from International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists about the content of its legal magazine, including a link to, or a copy of, the most recent issue.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.25, 15 non-governmental organizations:  International Christian Organisation of the Media; International Committee for the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas; International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women; International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation; International Council for Small Business; International Council of Russian Compatriots (ICRC); International Council of Scientific Unions; International Council of Women; International Development Information Organization-DevNet; International Falcon Movement — Socialist Educational International; International Federation for Family Development; International Federation for Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida — IF; International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations; International Federation of Psoriasis Associations; and International Federation of Social Workers.

The Committee took note of all reports contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.25.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.26, 15 non-governmental organizations:  International Federation on Ageing; International Fellowship of Reconciliation; International Foundation for Electoral Systems; International Human Rights Observer (IHRO) Pakistan; International Indian Treaty Council; International Islamic Youth League; International Jurists Organisation; International Juvenile Justice Observatory; International Kolping Society; International Law Enforcement Federation; International Lesbian and Gay Association; International Mahavira Jain Mission; International Movement ATD Fourth World; International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization; and International Muslim Women’s Union.

The Committee took note of all reports contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.26.

Document E/C.2/2024/CRP.27, 15 non-governmental organizations:  Fòs Feminista; International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse; International Network of Liberal Women; International Ocean Institute; International Organization for Standardization; International Organization of Employers; International Planned Parenthood Federation, East and Southeast Asia and Oceania Region (IPPF ESEAOR); International Police Executive Symposium; International Programme on the State of the Ocean; International Real Estate Federation; International Religious Liberty Association; International Service for Human Rights; International Society for Peace and Safety; International Sociological Association; and International Solidarity and Human Rights Institute.

The Committee took note of the reports of 13 organizations contained in E/C.2/2024/CRP.27, deferring two as the representative China sought information from International Religious Liberty Association about its contribution to and conversation with the Human Rights Council, as well as from International Service for Human Rights about its service provided to human rights defenders and the events it held at the United Nations.

Interactive Discussion

During the Committee’s interactive question-and-answer session, the representative of Asociația eLiberare stated that there is no financial deficit listed in 2021 or the following year.  Responding to an earlier question regarding tech projects, she said her organization does not run any such projects.  On the gift from Golden Sachs — a charitable foundation — she said it was marked under the section in common expenditures funding from the private sector and was used for capacity-building.  She also underscored her organization’s goal to provide better protection for victims of human trafficking.

The representative of China, noting that the organization in its application form stated that it will organize advocacy within Europe and globally, asked how it contributes to legislation at the European and global level.

The representative of the NGO cited a specific regulation that needs to be done at the national level vis-à-vis preventing and combating human trafficking.  Accordingly, international framework must go hand in hand with national legislation. She also stressed the need to amplify the voice of victims and survivors and improve the identification rates of victims of human trafficking.

The representative of China, turning to the prevention of human trafficking in Ukraine, asked the organization to elaborate on the protection of Ukrainian refugees throughout Europe.  He also asked if the organization has worked with other NGOs in this process.

The representative of the organization then responded that it has developed a programme to raise awareness about human trafficking, stressing the need to identify potential victims and create individualized safety plans for refugees.

The representative of China asked the organization about its concrete initiatives in terms of enhancing cooperation between private and public entities.

Next, a representative of Hope for Justice (United Kingdom) said that it is a non-governmental organization with a vision to create a world free from slavery. This vision is central to the SDGs.  It works towards ending modern slavery and human trafficking.  He said that the Committee requested more detailed disaggregated data on funds received by his entity, which has been provided in writing.  In short, 21.6 per cent of the total income comes from private non-individual donations.

The representative of Nicaragua sought more details about the support the entity provides to the victims of trafficking.

The NGO representative said that support is provided to children or minors in cooperation with the police, especially services related to family reunification.  The entity also supports adults in finding short-term housing.

The representative of China sought a printed copy of detailed information on the donations the group receives.  He also asked how the organization divides labour between employees and volunteers in research work.

The NGO representative said his organization is not a research institution.  The employees execute the strategy of the organization, and the volunteers have a very clear mandate to support its work.

The representative of China asked about a survivor of human trafficking hired by the organization.  He believes it is a good practice, but his question is what exactly does this individual do.

The NGO representative said the survivor has extensive experience in legal and social support.  His organization engages this person as an expert on the subject matter.

The representative of China asked about the organization’s contributions to multi-agency forums.

The NGO representative said that his organization collaborates with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), as well as Governments and civil society because human trafficking is cross-departmental and the responses are multisectoral.

The representative of China sought information about the use of profits in writing.

Next, a representative of Human social care foundation informed the Committee that, on 22 May 2023, his organization already submitted a file with all its activities mentioned.  In 2020 and 2021 — when the world was struck by the COVID-19 pandemic — his organization provided necessary assistance to those in need. In 2022, it provided financial support to students in need.  In 2023, it provided support to Türkiye and Syria which were affected by an earthquake. His organization already submitted its financial statement, he said, noting that, in 2023, it received a tax exemption certificate.

The representative of Pakistan asked the organization to share an example of its planned projects for 2024.

Responding, the representative of the organization emphasized that NGOs are working without any profit and it has projects lined up.

The representative of Pakistan asked the organization to submit the anticipated projects in writing, together with its financial statement.

Next, a representative of Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. (United States) said that it accepts donations from outside the United States.  These are primarily contributions from individual donors who care about civil and human rights issues in the United States.  It does not accept any funds from governmental entities inside or outside the United States.  All its work is focused on civil and human rights issues inside the country.

The representative of Pakistan thanked her for the responses provided in answer to her question.

The representative of China asked how the organization can contribute to the work of the United Nations, particularly the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The NGO representative said that her organization participated in a United Nations forum on minority issues to discuss hate and extremism because those are issues of which the United States tends to be a net exporter.  It will continue to bring people who are affected by these human rights violations in the United States to speak to the United Nations about issues that can also be common concerns in other countries.  However, it does not work on transnational cases.

For information media. Not an official record.