Seventy-ninth Session,
13th & 14th Meetings (AM & PM)

Island Developing States are Small ‘but Our Voices Carry the Weight of Rising Seas, Thundering Storms,’ Saint Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister Warns General Assembly

(Note:  The full Press Release will be issued at a later time.)

“We are small, yes, but our voices carry the weight of rising seas, thundering storms and livelihoods teetering on the edge of erasure.”

Terrance Micheal Drew, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, National Security and Immigration, Health, and Social Security of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Recalling how hoteliers in his country have warned his Government that they may soon no longer be able to market themselves as beach resorts, Mr. Drew said the sands that once beckoned visitors from across the globe are now receding, swallowed by rising seas.  In May 2025, Saint Kitts and Nevis will co-host the Global Sustainable Islands Summit with Island Innovation, he said, adding that it will be a call to action to shape practical solutions and partnerships.

“This Agenda is not just a roadmap for the future; it is a lifeline for now.” 

Gaston Browne, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Corporate Governance
and Public Private Partnerships for Antigua and Barbuda

Mr. Browne said that for small States like his, the choices to act on climate change are crucial.  “Our islands are on the frontlines of a climate catastrophe we did not cause; a debt crisis we did not create, and conflicts in which we have no part,” he said.  He asked that the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference be the “moment we draw a line in the sand” as the world, and particularly small island States, “cannot afford the luxury of delay”. 

“Our collective efforts must not end at national borders.”

Fiamē Naomi Mata'afa, Prime Minister and Minister
for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Samoa

Ms. Naomi, noting that the effects of climate change are being lived in real time, from ferocious wildfires to devastating floods and scorching heatwaves, said the international community must learn from history to not tread the easier path of abandoning the collective to safeguard the individual in difficult times.  As climate change poses serious challenges for food, water and energy supplies, and forced migrations, particularly for small island developing States, she called on Member States to “honour our commitments and obligations, and to take urgent and ambitious climate action now”. 

On 20 October, the Republic of Moldova will reaffirm its European choice in a referendum to enshrine European Union integration into its Constitution, said the country’s Prime Minister, Dorin Recean.  While Moscow wants to “keep Moldova captive in its past”, Moldovan people will not return the country to oligarchs, who plunder the State.  “We will not be dragged back into a sphere of influence that does not reflect our aspirations,” he stressed.  Moldova chooses peace, democracy and the rule of law over war, authoritarianism and repression.

Addressing the General Assembly today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, said that, since the 7 October attack, his country has been forced to defend itself on six more warfronts organized by Iran in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.  In response to Iran’s first-ever direct assault on Israel, he warned:  “Strike us, we will strike you.  There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach and that is true of the entire Middle East.”


ROBERT GOLOB, Prime Minister of Slovenia, said that in times of wars, climate catastrophes, increasing inequalities and deepening polarization, the adoption of Pact for the Future was “a rare flicker of unity”. Noting the gradual but steady erosion of the power of rules, he criticized the Security Council’s inability to respond effectively to major conflicts, including those in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan.  In Ukraine, he said, “if we are to let this aggression pass, we open doors to many similar wars across the globe.”  In Gaza, almost four months since the Council’s resolution on a ceasefire and the hostages, a deal is nowhere close.  Concurrently, in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, violence and dehumanization of Palestinians have reached a boiling point.  “The region is at the brink of an abyss,” he asserted, adding that de-escalation is urgently needed, starting with the ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon. He also pointed to the man-made humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan, with millions displaced and in desperate need of humanitarian aid.

“Why has the UN Security Council failed humanity,” he asked, adding that the “permanent five” — misusing the veto and putting national interests first — effectively blocked the organ’s work.  “The concerns and pain that we feel for civilians […] should not depend on our geographical or political proximity to the conflict,” he stressed.  Noting that “the United Nations are so much more than just the Security Council,” he commended the work of nameless humanitarian workers on the ground, in armed conflicts, among the civilians representing the face of the United Nations. In Gaza, he said, humanitarians are not just occasional collateral victims, they seem to have become a deliberate military target.  The sense of impunity for crimes in Gaza is putting humanitarian organizations under stress elsewhere, undermining the essence of the UN and affecting the work of humanitarian organizations and UN agencies.

Turning to climate change, he said its impact is mostly felt on the lifeline for people and nature — water.  Extreme weather events are multiplying water-related risks across the world, and people suffering from armed conflicts do not have the luxury of high-tech solutions.  Instead, they are denied basic access to clean drinking water, he observed, adding that access to water is becoming weaponized in Yemen, Somalia, Gaza and Sudan.  He further underscored that today's world is increasingly hostile to children’s rights:  more children than ever are experiencing violence in all settings, many have lost their lives, are forcibly displaced, exposed to most traumatic experiences, imprisoned, denied education and health care and face extreme poverty and social exclusion.

To respond to the extreme suffering of the children in Gaza, Slovenia is offering concrete help with the Foundation “Let them dream”, which deals with their rehabilitation.  This project — launched years ago — has already helped hundreds of children from Gaza who came on rehabilitation in Slovenia and will continue to do so.  Sadly, some of these kids were the victims of recent aggression on Gaza, he said, sending a clear message to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu — “stop the bloodshed, stop the war, stop the suffering, end the occupation of Palestine.”

MUHAMMAD SHEHBAZ SHARIF, Prime Minister of Pakistan, recalled that Quaid-e-Azam Muhamad Ali Jinnah — the father of the Pakistani nation — declared in 1947 that “we stand by the United Nations Charter and will gladly make our full contribution to peace and prosperity of the world.”  While pointing to the daunting global challenges, he observed:  “We feel the chill of a new world order.”  “Our hearts bleed, as we witness the tragedy unfolding in the Holy Land,” he continued, adding:  “When we ignore their endless suffering, we diminish our own humanity.”  Noting that it is not enough to condemn, he stressed that States must act now.  More so, nations must work for a two-State solution and Palestine must also be immediately admitted as a full UN Member.  However, he observed that the failure to implement UN resolutions has emboldened Israel — it threatens to “drag the entire Middle East into a war”.

Like the people of Palestine, the people of Jammu and Kashmir “too” have struggled for a century for their freedom and right to self-determination.  Instead of moving towards peace, India has resiled from commitments to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions and since 5 August 2019, initiated unilateral illegal steps to impose what its leader “ominously” called a “final solution for Jammu and Kashmir”.  At the same time, “in a classic settler-colonial project”, India is seizing Kashmiri lands and settling outsiders into the occupied territories to transform the Muslim majority into a minority.  While the Kashmiri people are “resolute in rejection of the false Indian identity”, New Deli’s policy of brutal coercion and oppression has ensured that Burhan Wani’s legacy continues to inspire the struggle and sacrifices of millions of Kashmiris.  “Inspired by the legitimacy of their epic struggle, they remain defiant,” he stressed.  He also added that Pakistan will respond most decisively to any Indian aggression.

Recalling that, in 2022, Pakistan was devastated by catastrophic floods — causing $30 billion in damages — he observed that his country emits less than 1 per cent of carbon globally.  “Yet we have paid a very heavy price for no fault of ours,” he added.  To that end, the “morally bankrupt” international financial architecture must be reformed to provide global equity.  Since assuming office in March, the well-being and prosperity of his 240 million people has been his only focus, he said.  His Government has taken difficult but necessary decisions that have rescued the economy from collapse, restored macroeconomic stability and strengthened the reserves.  As a result, inflation has come to single digits.  Furthermore, the second phase of the landmark China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been launched.  Through the apex Special Investment Facilitation Council, Pakistan is mobilizing investment in resilient infrastructure and renewable energy.

For two decades, Pakistan has fought terrorism “boldly and most successfully”, he observed, adding:  “We have paid a very high price.”  Eighty thousand Pakistani soldiers and civilians have been martyred and its economy suffered a loss of $150 billion.  Yet, today, the country is again confronted with a surge of externally financed terrorism by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)/Fitna al-Khawarij and its associates.  While Pakistan seeks the normalization of the situation in Afghanistan, it joined the UN’s appeal for $3 billion in humanitarian assistance.  Also spotlighting the escalation of Islamophobia, he said that its most alarming manifestation is “the Hindu supremacist agenda in India” that “aggressively” seeks the subjugation of 200 million Muslims and the obliteration of India’s Islamic heritage.  However, “the weak are not voiceless, the oppressed should not lose hope and poverty is not pre-ordained,” he added.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Prime Minister of Israel, said that after hearing numerous lies and slander, he decided to come personally “to set the record straight” and “to speak for the truth”.  As his country faces “savage enemies who seek our annihilation”, he stressed that “Israel seeks peace, Israel yearns for peace.”  Comparing the “unimaginable” atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October to “the Nazi Holocaust”, he said:  “They savagely murdered 1,200 people, they raped and mutilated women, they beheaded men, they burnt babies alive.”  Israel has brought home 154 of 251 people taken hostage by Hamas and dragged into the “dungeons” of Gaza, he said, adding:  “We will not rest until the remaining hostages are brought home safely.”

Following the 7 October attack, Israel has been forced to defend itself on six more warfronts organized by Iran in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, he noted.  In response to Iran’s first-ever direct assault on Israel, he warned:  “Strike us, we will strike you.  There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach and that is true of the entire Middle East.”  Demonstrating two maps, he contrasted the “blessing” of development for Israel and its “Arab partners” with the “curse” of Iran’s influence in the region, warning that “Iran seeks to impose its radicalism beyond the Middle East and threatens the entire world.”  The world should “join Israel in stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons”, he said, calling on the UN to “snap back” sanctions against Iran.  “We must all do everything in our power to ensure Iran never gets nuclear weapons,” he emphasized.

Noting that the Israel Defense Forces continue fighting Hamas, he warned that if the group stays in power, “it will regroup, rearm and attack again.”  Therefore, he rejected “any rule for Hamas in a post-war Gaza”, adding that it would be “inconceivable” if the defeated Nazis were invited to rebuild Germany in 1945. “We do not seek to resettle Gaza,” he underscored, emphasizing that Israel wants a “demilitarized and de-radicalized” Gaza, adding that “only then can we ensure that this round of fighting will be the last.”  More so, he stressed that the war can come to an end only if Hamas surrenders and releases all hostages.  “If they do not, we will fight until we achieve total victory.  There is not a substitute for it,” he underscored.  He further stressed that Israel must defeat “the quintessential terror organization” Hizbullah in Lebanon, and “will not accept a terror army perched on our northern border ready to carry out another 7 October style massacre.”

Recalling the Abraham accords of four years ago, he said that the path towards achieving a historic peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia must continue as it would build a foundation for a broader global alliance of countries, who choose “the blessing of peace”.  Looking forward, he asked the audience to make a choice of standing with Israel, democracy and peace or with the brutal dictatorship of Iran.  “We are defending ourselves, but we are also defending you against a common enemy that, through violence and terror, seeks to destroy our way of life,” he said.  Voicing indignation about Israel being “absurdly accused” of committing genocide by the International Court of Justice, he criticized “the UN house of darkness” for passing more resolutions against Israel than resolutions against the entire world combined.  “What a hypocrisy.  What a double standard.  What a joke,” he said, adding that “until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained”, the UN will be viewed “as nothing more than a contemptuous farce.”  The real war criminals are in Iran, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, he said, stressing that his country will “win this battle because we do not have a choice.”

MIA AMOR MOTTLEY, Prime Minister of Barbados, describing a world that has endured “four years of poly-crises” and is now confronted by “multiple theaters of war and armed conflict”, said:  “We cannot afford the distraction of war.  Together, the international community must now deliver new opportunities and solutions If ever there was a time to pause and reset, it is now.”  This reset must see an end to all forms of discrimination and rules and institutions that create first- and second-class citizens, she said, urging global institutions to give developing countries, especially small vulnerable ones like her own, “seats at the tables of decision-making where we can … become active agents in our own cause and lead our own development paradigms.”  Noting that 2024 is the final year of the UN’s Decade for People of African Descent, she joined the “growing chorus for the immediate proclamation of a second decade” to complete the unfinished work and address the matter of reparations for slavery and colonialism.

The reset must also be characterized by institutional reform that starts at the United Nations, she said, pointing out that:  “Councils which suggest that some are full members and others are only part-members, part-time or occasional members, have no place in the twenty-first century.”  Urging a reset in attitudes as much as actions or reforms, she said that transformative national agendas require much needed reform within international financial institutions.  Noting the launch of the third iteration of the Bridgetown Initiative, she said its three key pillars include changing the rules of the international financial system and reform of its governance and instruments; shockproofing economies by dealing with debt and liquidity comprehensively; and augmenting financing by boosting country capacity to invest in resilience, including the effective rechanneling of special drawing rights (SDRs) through multilateral development partners.  The international community must address how it secures and funds the global public commons, and tackles the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, among other global challenges.

“The SIDS [small island developing States] Agenda is another story of promises made but not kept,” she continued, recalling that 30 years ago, the international community gathered in Barbados to take action for the first time on the unique challenges faced by small island developing States and adopted the Barbados Programme of Action — the first ever global agenda for that bloc.  Since then, the vulnerabilities of small island developing States have become more pronounced, she said, calling on the international community to work together to realize the vision of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS 2024. Two days ago, Barbados took over from Ghana the presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum and the Vulnerable 20, she reported, noting that priorities for its term include addressing the multiple dimensions of climate change, its impact on climate change and the issue of debt and climate.  She invited all climate-vulnerable Member States that have not yet done so to join others in the Climate Vulnerable Forum to strengthen their collective voice, enhance advocacy efforts and urgently address the climate crisis.

Above all else, a reset is needed to secure global peace, she underscored.  “The silence that has engulfed Sudan is unacceptable,” she said, lamenting too the situations in Myanmar, Ukraine, Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.  These wars will come to an end, but at what cost and with how much loss of life, she asked, warning against “the desensitizing of ordinary people to the loss of lives, especially of innocent children and women” and “the anger and inclination for vengeance that it spawns”. Underscoring the need to work for peace, she reported that Barbados established diplomatic relations this year with the State of Palestine whose people are entitled to full recognition and support from the international community.  She condemned the actions of Hamas and strongly deplored the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza “which is the result of the disproportionate use of force by Israel”.  Moreover, she urged an end to the killing in Ukraine; a reset in the United States’ approach to assault weapons; and full support for Haiti’s stability.  Spotlighting Cuba as a valuable partner to Barbados, she once again urged lifting of the embargo because “it is simply wrong”.  Pointing to a climate crisis that is “hitting us almost weekly across the globe”, she said deniers too need a reset and should “admit the absolute necessity of collective action to save our way of life and our planet”.

MIA TSHERING TOBGAY, Prime Minister of Bhutan, recounting his country’s admission into the United Nations in September 1971, said:  “On that day, after centuries of self-imposed isolation, Bhutan became the 128th member of the United Nations.  It was a defining moment for us — a moment when a small, poor, landlocked country, nestled in the world’s highest mountains, joined the global community of nations.”  That same year, the United Nations created the “least developed country” category to provide targeted support to the world’s poorest nations, and Bhutan was among the first in the group to be admitted, he added.  Its primarily agrarian economy then was operating largely on a barter system, and its per capita income stood at just $215.  Life expectancy was barely 40 years, and its infant mortality rate was “tragically high at 142 deaths for every 1,000 live births”.  The literacy rate was “woefully low, with less than 300 students in the few scattered schools” established to provide modern education.

“Today, I stand before you with a story of transformation and progress,” he declared, pointing to a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) that has risen to over $3,500, an increase in life expectancy to 70 years and an infant mortality drop to 15 deaths per 1,000 live births.  Additionally, the literacy rate has climbed to 71 per cent, with youth literacy skyrocketing to 99 per cent.  He reported that in December 2023, 52 years after joining the UN, Bhutan graduated from the “least developed country” category.  Noting the support of many friends in that journey, he thanked the United Nations and its specialized agencies; development partners including Japan, the European Union, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank; and especially “India, our closest friend and neighbour … [who] have been with us from the very beginning of our development journey”.  “Under the leadership of our enlightened monarchs, Bhutan has pursued a development path grounded in the philosophy of Gross National Happiness” — an approach which places the happiness and well-being of our people at the centre of the development agenda, he added.

Bhutan’s economy, while small, is sustainable and inclusive, he said.  Healthcare and education are free for all.  With more than 72 per cent of its land under forest cover, Bhutan is recognized as a biodiversity hotspot and a carbon-negative country.  “Our democracy, a gift from our King, has been embraced by a reluctant population,” he added.  Nonetheless, to address new challenges, Bhutan must strengthen its economy, provide youth with meaningful opportunities and embrace a new development paradigm, he said, reporting that his country’s King has announced the establishment of the Gelephu Mindfulness City — a transformative vision for future urban spaces, a blueprint for living mindfully and sustainably.  “Spanning 2,600 square kilometres of pristine forests and fertile farmlands, it will enable human innovation and natural ecosystems to thrive together, while fostering human well-being, environmental sustainability and mindful living,” he said, inviting thought leaders, innovators and investors to join in building this groundbreaking city, contributing to “a model of peace, harmony and progress that others can follow”.

“Bhutan’s story is one of hope.  But it is also a call to action,” he emphasized, pointing out that “more than 50 years have passed, and only seven nations have graduated from the LDC [least developed countries] category, leaving 46 countries still in need”.  He urged the international community to intensify its efforts to ensure that all least developed countries achieve graduation.  The recently adopted Pact for the Future provides a road map to transform the lives of the world’s most vulnerable, but transforming the future also requires the transformation of institutions shaping it.  To that end, the UN must evolve to meet the realities of today’s world, and the Security Council, as “a relic of the past”, must reflect the current geopolitical and economic landscape.  Bhutan has long advocated for Council reform to make it more representative and effective, he said, highlighting that “India, with its significant economic growth and leadership in the Global South, deserves a permanent seat at the Security Council”, and “similarly, Japan, a leading donor and peacebuilder, warrants permanent membership”.

XAVIER ESPOT ZAMORA, Prime Minister of Andorra, underscored that his country, which has never had a war or an army, “is tangible, real proof that people are able to live together peacefully for more than 800 years”.  Yet, the spirit of the Declaration of Human Rights is failing little by little, he added, with an advance of extreme political positions.  “We find ourselves at a key moment in history” requiring not rhetoric but actions.  The UN must respond effectively to the challenges of our times, he added.  The implementation of the UN Charter must be ensured, strengthened by the pillars of the defence of human rights and international humanitarian law, which must alone “govern relations between States”. The international community cannot remain indifferent to the serious situations in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Sudan or the Sahel.  It must urgently mobilize to “achieve the most noble goal of politics:  peace”.

He called on all parties to work for peace and to respect and obey international humanitarian law.  “Nothing can justify the attacks suffered by civilian populations, nothing can justify the attacks against hospitals and schools and nothing can justify using hunger as a strategy of war.”  Children are central to this, he said.  Therefore, his country has from the beginning given all its support to the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and, more recently, to the study on the impact of climate change on children and armed conflicts.  He believes in multilateralism and particularly regional cooperation, including the European Union, and his country is undertaking actions to enter the European Single Market.  He highlighted the climate emergency, gender equality, digital transition and cultural diversity as key issues.  His country co-facilitated, for yet another year, the resolution on Multilingualism in the UN, with Guatemala.

On climate change, some nations face greater impacts than others, including mountain territories with more vulnerable ecosystems, such as his own.  It can change the way of life and the economy.  “It's for this reason we have made the fight against climate change one of our main goals internationally as well as nationally.”  In 2015, his country was one of the first in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to produce its nationally determined contribution.  It updated it in 2020 and 2022 and plans to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. Nationally, it has implemented a new energy policy to progressively increase production of renewable energy and replace heat production systems with less-polluting systems.  The public sector led this policy, with very ambitious legislation and significant aid and action plans.  But, he said, “all of these efforts will be in vain if other countries do not do the same thing”.

He called for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly including women.  Boys and girls must be given the tools to question societal norms.  “But bringing about gender equality requires determination and prevenance on the part of each and every one of us.”  As national representatives, “we have the moral and political obligation to promote this transformation”.  The digital divide must also be closed. Currently, 96 per cent of Andorran homes have an Internet connection.  The country has implemented a national strategy for digital transition, which is particularly focused on digital rights of citizens and respect for Sustainable Development Goals 9, 16 and 17.  It has created an ethical and legal framework to preserve digital rights, protect private life and data security and ensure free access to digital information.  “We want all citizens to be able to access the digital world and thus avoid situations of inequality.”

MUHAMMAD YUNUS, Chief Adviser of the interim Government of Bangladesh, said the Pact for the Future and the Declaration on Future Generations could help in setting pathways beyond the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  “I stand in this parliament of nations thanks to an epochal transformation that Bangladesh witnessed this July and August,” he stressed, adding that the uprising led by students and youth was initially aimed at ending discrimination.  “The people’s movement left an estimated over 800 martyrs in the hands of the autocratic regime,” he said, calling upon the international community to engage with the ‘new Bangladesh’ and pledging to remain an active proponent of multilateralism, with the United Nations at the core.  “As the third largest troop-contributing country, our peacekeepers had served across 63 Missions in 43 countries to date.  One hundred and sixty-eight Bangladeshi peacekeepers had laid their lives, from Bosnia to Congo,” he noted, expressing hope that Bangladesh defence forces would continue to be called upon in future UN peace operations regardless of the challenges or circumstances.

Turning to climate change, he observed that the record-breaking heat wave this summer starkly reminded the world of the climate-induced challenges.  “What we need is climate justice — so that the irresponsible choices or indifferent actions or harms caused are accounted for,” he emphasized.  “As I speak, over 5 million people witnessed a most devastating flood in their living memory in eastern Bangladesh,” he added, urging for channelling robust resources for climate adaptation in climate-vulnerable countries like Bangladesh and calling for access to life-saving technologies, particularly in agriculture, water or public health, where even a trickle of modest solutions or innovations can save millions.  He stressed that the world needs to engage on a shared vision of ‘three zeroes’ — zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero net carbon emissions.

“The genocide in Gaza continues unabated despite global concerns and condemnation,” he went on to say, underscoring that the situation in Palestine just does not concern the Arabs or Muslims at large — rather the entire humanity.  “All those responsible for the crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people must be held accountable,” he said, urging to implement the two-State solution that remains the only path to bring lasting peace in the Middle East.  “The two and a half year long war in Ukraine has claimed far too many lives,” he continued, adding that this war has impacted far and wide, even lending deeper economic implications in Bangladesh, and urging both sides to pursue dialogue to resolve the differences and end the war. He also reminded that Bangladesh has been hosting over 1.2 million Rohingyas on humanitarian ground, incurring significant social, economic and environmental costs.  “The protracted crisis in Myanmar also poses growing risks with national and regional security implications for Bangladesh,” he said, calling for the creation of an environment for dignified and sustainable return of the Rohingyas to their homeland.

DORIN RECEAN, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, said that peace, security, prosperity and free choice are at the core of his country’s agenda, noting that generations of its intellectuals have fought for the Republic of Moldova’s independence and freedom.  “After 33 years of independence, we see it in the confidence of our youth, in the revitalization of our culture,” he emphasized. Observing that the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine threatens the fabric of the international order, he added that it throws the country back to the times of great power politics, when a large State pursues its “cynical geopolitical designs” to divide the region into spheres of influence and annex smaller neighbours.  For the Republic of Moldova, this is not “a mere distant memory but a looming threat”, he said, observing:  the “Kremlin doesn’t want us at the table.  The Kremlin wants us on the table.”  Compulsion of “raw force” are now perpetuated with hybrid warfare, malign influence and subversion of the democratic State, he noted, stating that even mature democracies find it difficult to cope with them.

Therefore, Ukraine is fighting not only for its statehood, nation and its very existence — it is fighting for each nation’s freedom to choose and pursue its national aspirations, he said.  Despite the war at its border, his country continued to contribute to regional security.  “We have preserved peace and security in Moldova,” he stressed, observing that it has welcomed over 1 million Ukrainian refugees.  Further, the country is committed to a peaceful resolution of the Transnistrian conflict.  “Moldova’s destiny belongs to Moldovans, not outside powers,” he stressed, emphasizing that subversion and external intimidation have no place in the twenty-first century.  Noting that the social compact of the Republic of Moldova’s society is individual freedoms, competitive elections and open society, he reiterated that it is not a “Kremlin satellite State”.  He continued: “Despite flooding Moldova with illicit money, propaganda and falsehoods and waging a fully-fledged hybrid attack, the Kremlin has failed to divide our house against itself.”

Also emphasizing that his country is no longer a “grey zone” — a profitable money laundering enterprise for unscrupulous oligarchs and foreign powers — he spotlighted the Republic of Moldova’s progress in “cleaning-up” the justice system and law enforcement.  Despite the proximity to the war zone, the Republic of Moldova’s business environment is improving, small and medium enterprises have a better outlook and exports of high-quality products are picking up due to access to European markets. Also, the country’s energy independence can no longer be used to “blackmail and extract geopolitical concessions”.  Crucially, the Republic of Moldova has “genuinely” opened itself to the world.  In recognition of the country’s progress, European Union leaders unanimously agreed to open accession negotiations.  “This is our most significant achievement since independence, and we are committed to be ready to join the EU by 2030,” he stressed.

On 20 October 2024, the Republic of Moldova will reaffirm its European choice in a referendum to enshrine European Union integration into its Constitution.  While Moscow wants to “keep Moldova captive in its past”, Moldovan people will not return the country to oligarchs, who plunder the State.  “We will not be dragged back into a sphere of influence that does not reflect our aspirations,” he stressed.  The people of that country chose freedom and Europe.  Turning to climate change, he reaffirmed the Republic of Moldova’s commitment to work alongside the international community to turn the pledges of the General Assembly’s Pact for the Future into concrete actions.  “Moldova stands at a historic crossroads, both as a nation and as a member of the international community,” he stressed, adding that his country chooses peace, democracy and the rule of law over war, authoritarianism and repression.  “For us this means Europe.  It is our choice,” he added.

CHARLOT SALWAI TABIMASMAS, Prime Minister of Vanuatu, cited the collective efforts to create a better world for present and future generations as “nothing short of disappointing”.  The collective failures to confront climate change, boost international development finance and secure global peace continue to plague development in small island developing States.  “The increasing intensity and frequency of climate-induced disasters continue to threaten our livelihoods and shed multiple years of development gains, leaving the furthest behind even further behind,” he observed, adding that “the window for real action to restore the health of this planet is fast closing on all of us”.  Despite the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the global response to the threat of climate change remains subpar, undermining sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.

Accordingly, he continued, Vanuatu sought an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice, requesting clarification on States’ legal obligations with respect to climate change, which has garnered unprecedented global attention.  “The initiative to bring climate change before the [Court] is not about naming or shaming any particular nation,” he said, adding that it seeks to provide the foundation for real climate action and climate justice through a shared understanding of responsibility and accountability.  He called on all States to be part of these historic hearings, which begin on 2 December 2024.  “Your voices are crucial in ensuring the Court fully grasps the implications of climate change for those most affected and will unite us in our shared commitment to justice and human rights as part of a more sustainable future,” he added.

Spotlighting the multiple crises facing small island economies, he said that tightening financial conditions and rising borrowing costs have increased those countries’ debt distress risks and undermined their ability to invest in recovery.  Against this backdrop, he welcomed the outcome of the Summit of the Future, which calls for global concerted efforts to reform the global economic and financial architecture. He also called for reforms of Bretton Woods institutions to restructure the international monetary and financial system, including the establishment of an international sovereign debt workout mechanism to solve current debt crises in developing countries, particularly those most vulnerable.

Detailing Vanuatu’s struggle with climate-induced disasters, he said it loses over half its GDP each time a severe cyclone strikes.  The latest Adaptation Fund report estimates a current adaptation finance gap of $194 billion to 366 billion annually.  As a country on the front line of frequent and intensifying climate disasters, Vanuatu calls for a new financial goal to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels, build resilience and realistically address loss and damage.  It is also vital to prevent the severest harms to the planet’s vital and climate-regulating ecosystems before they occur, he asserted, highlighting his Government’s formal proposal of “an independent crime of ecocide” to the International Criminal Court.

ANDREJ PLENKOVIĆ, Prime Minister of Croatia, said the world is “increasingly ablaze”.  With the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine continuing into its third year, he voiced concern about the nuclear safety of that country, which has a cross-border impact.  Pointing out “the looming threat of a wider conflict in the Middle East”, he called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and urged both sides to engage in genuine negotiations to end hostilities.  Reversing the trend of a humanitarian and civilian catastrophe unfolding in Sudan should be a priority for all of us, he said, highlighting “the context of increasing fragmentation of the security architecture” on the African continent.

The “world’s constitution” — the Charter of the United Nations — must be upheld more than ever before, he said, urging not only to avoid conflict, but to reduce the already heightened risks of escalation.  As the Vice-Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, Croatia supports strengthening the links between the three pillars of the UN, he said, adding:  “There is no peace without sustainable development and no sustainable development without peace.”  Highlighting his country’s national strategy that balances economic growth and social stability with environmental stewardship, he detailed how the global digital transformation is reflected in the country’s State and public administration, businesses and society.

On climate change, he said Croatia’s location in the Mediterranean — one of the world’s regions expected to be hit hardest by climate change — made promotion of nature-based solutions one of the main national tools for climate change adaptation and mitigation.  “We need to strengthen the multilateral system of dealing with climate, biodiversity and sustainable development,” he said.  A more peaceful, equal and sustainable world can only be achieved through respect for human rights, he said, voicing his country’s commitment to further champion the cause of human rights.  More so, committed to eradicating domestic violence and violence against women, Croatia has introduced “femicide as a distinct criminal offence”.  He further announced that his country will lead the efforts by a cross-regional group of countries at the UN to proclaim the International Day of Deafblindness.

Voicing his support for the reform of the General Assembly and the Security Council, he stressed the need to make the UN Secretariat “fit for purpose”, adding that the selection of the Secretary-General and other high-level posts should be “guided by the principles of merit, transparency, inclusiveness, gender and geographic rotation”.  Turning to regional issues in the Balkans, he underscored the importance of stability and security of neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, which can be achieved by guaranteeing “the constitutional full equality” of Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs and respect for the Dayton-Paris Agreement.

JAMES MARAPE, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, emphasized three threats to humanity:  religious intolerance, poverty, especially induced by climate change, and geopolitical differences and contests over territories and people.  He highlighted that his country is the world’s most culturally and linguistically diverse nation.  “We embrace this diversity and do our best to function as ‘one people and one country’, leaving no one behind.”  It hosts up to 7 per cent of the world’s biodiversity, and sustainably manages its forest, land and sea “because our livelihood depends on them”.  Therefore, it “teaches the world on living in balance with nature, tolerating cultural diversities and practicing environmental stewardship”.  His country aims to become a higher-income nation by 2045 and has aligned its development plans with the Sustainable Development Goals.

He underscored that Christianity has helped his nation to manage a diverse, multicultural people and to blend as one nation.  Yet, its Constitution protects individuals’ right to choose their religion, and he urged that this remains a key duty of the UN. The UN “must condemn laws that encroach upon individuals’ choice of religion”.  Enforcement of one religion upon another is “a threat to peace and coexistence of mankind.  I ask the United Nations to keep watch over religious freedom for all people,” he said.

Moving to climate change-induced poverty, he underlined:  “The pursuit of wealth has caused man to plunder Earth of its resources beyond the threshold of sustainability, with little consideration for our children’s future.”  Ocean nations like his live with climate change-induced sea level rise and weather pattern changes which have become an existential threat.  Despite its economic needs, his country remains committed to safeguarding both its blue ocean life and its green forest life “for Earth’s children”.  It continues to play a proactive role in progressing its commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement by undertaking adaptation and mitigation efforts.  But he underscored that accessing climate finance remains a challenge and called for the UN to look into this matter with urgency.  Otherwise, “we will utilize our rights to liquidate our forest and marine resources to achieve our development aspirations”, expressly alleviating poverty, he said.  He said that he speaks in solidarity with all forest nations, especially those in the Congo Basin and Amazon Basin wanting adequate compensation to preserve forests, which are the lungs of Earth.  “The responsibility to save our environment and the planet should bear on all of us in equal measure.”  UN members must “work together to save these forests, which are global assets”.

Increasing geopolitical conflicts and tensions are fuelling fragmentation and protectionism around the world, he said. The restrictions on trade, disruptions in supply chains and growing competition are crippling local economies. He called for an examination of peaceful strategies and solutions, investment in peacebuilding initiatives, mutual understanding and cooperation to build trust and foster peaceful relationships.  The UN’s role in this must be respected by all nations, he added.  He provided an example from his own country of successful de-escalation in its internal conflict in Bougainville.  There the UN supervised the Bougainville Peace Agreement in 2001 and continues to ensure all its requirements are complied with.  His country calls on the UN and its systems to begin the process of Council reform, including the removal of veto power, so that all nations can sit equally at the table.

ROBERT ABELA, Prime Minister of Malta, said the United Nations can and must be a counsel of hope.  Recalling that his country gained independence from the United Kingdom and joined the UN, he said:  “Over those six decades, my country has developed beyond the wildest dreams of the pioneers who saw us to statehood.”  He went on to say that the world needs the United Nations now more than ever and Malta values the United Nations now more than ever.  “We will remain steadfast in our support for steps to build and maintain peace in every region of conflict,” he stressed, describing the role of Malta as an ‘honest broker’ — the approach it brought to its membership of the Security Council.  Underscoring that the failure of many countries to comply with international rules poses a great threat to many innocent citizens, he urged all Member States to play their part by remitting the resources to ensure the hard-working front-line UN staff can play their part in bringing relief and hope where it is desperately needed.

As Malta concludes its current term on the Security Council, he recalled that amidst the tragedy of events in Israel and Gaza, his country worked with others to prioritize the relief of humanitarian suffering.  “We are proud that this led to the release of 105 hostages during the negotiated seven‑day pause,” he said, spotlighting a dangerous and deeply worrying escalation in Lebanon.  Reminding about the current wars in Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, he turned to another country in conflict, Libya, which is Malta’s neighbour.  “Helping the Libyan people achieve a genuine and lasting resolution to the institutional crisis — for which they have paid too high a price for too long — is a key priority for Malta,” he emphasized, calling for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, fighters and mercenaries from Libya.

Speaking about equality across gender, race, religion, age, disability and sexuality, he stressed that it is imperative in finding lasting solutions to so many of the challenges that face all.  “We are one of the few countries that has already implemented an anti-racism strategy,” he said.  Emphasizing that without women there can be no peace, he urged to ensure the voice of women and girls is heard at the top tables and on the ground.  “South Sudan, Nigeria, Mali, Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, Colombia, Iraq and Somalia — that list is a sad testament to the magnitude and gravity of the repeated violations against children in crisis zones,” he continued.

Quoting a saying in Maltese, “The sea is wealthy,” he stressed that for Malta, the wealth of the sea equates to the wealth of its people.  “We, small island nations, are amongst the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases but we are literally the front line of the climate emergency,” he said, adding that the ‘Islands for Islands’ initiative is central to Malta’s foreign policy, providing practical assistance to small island developing States.  Promoting Malta’s new ‘Shore-to-Ship’ initiative, he explained that its capital Valletta is a magnet for cruise ships which, while docked, produce serious amounts of pollution if relying on their engines, so his country is installing an onshore power supply to such ships which can switch off their engines and reduce pollution by around 90 per cent.  Besides, Malta championed the creation of a unified database of all vessels involved in illicit activity related to migration, but that can only happen if ship owners know that trying to break sanctions brings consequences, he said.

PHILIP DAVIS, Prime Minister of the Bahamas, said that for the past three years — along with other small island developing States — his country has been pleading for Member States to engage in urgent action on climate change.  Spotlighting “some welcome progress”, he said that it falls short of what is needed. “At this very moment, the new harsh reality manifests in hurricanes and heat, fire and floods,” he observed, noting that Member States “can somehow quickly find eyewatering sums of money for bullets and bombs” but only “rattle small change in their pockets” when it comes to financing the costs of loss and damage, repair and recovery.  While asking nations why they persist in ignoring “the biggest threat of our lives”, he pointed to the lack of determined, committed action and a series of misguided, short-term choices and priorities.  “We can choose differently.  We can choose better,” he stated.  Reporting that his country is a candidate for a non-permanent Security Council membership for 2032-2033, he said that they seek membership because of “the present crisis of today, the looming crisis of tomorrow” and to amplify the voices of small island developing States.

Climate considerations must be integrated into all aspects of the Security Council’s work, he observed, noting that “it’s countries like ours” that will help the organ with inclusive and representative decision-making.  Aspirations for global peace and security will remain empty dreams if not supported by economic security.  For too long, the global financial system has been skewed against developing nations, he observed, stating that his country has been instrumental in exposing the hypocrisy of unilateral blacklisting.  “The present system, with its dark rules and uneven playing field, drains resources from developing countries, leaving us to grapple with the consequences,” he said.  Even among small island developing States, the Bahamas is uniquely vulnerable.  To that end, the country has created a National Youth Guard to empower young people to become environmental champions.  It also embraces innovation in ocean technology to find solutions to the climate crisis.

“The Bahamas may be small in size, but we are not short on ambition or ingenuity,” he emphasized.  Reiterating that countries like his contribute very little to the problems of the world, he said that, yet, they are among the most affected.  Over 40 per cent of that country’s national debt is a direct result of the impacts of climate change.  Urging States to stop thinking about climate change merely as an environmental threat, he underscored that it is a threat multiplier that exacerbated existing tensions.  “If we think we have refugee challenges now, do we really want to wait until millions more are forced to cross borders just to survive?” he asked. Further, in 2024, his Government has turned to South-South cooperation to fill the gaps in development support. Stressing that the twenty-ninth UN Climate Change Conference must be a turning point, he encouraged States to revitalize the stalled negotiations on the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance.

“Developed nations must step up, not just with words,” he stressed, observing that while global military expenditure soared to an unprecedented $2.4 trillion in 2023, the loss and damage fund, “painstakingly established” at the twenty-eighth UN Climate Change Conference, has secured a mere $800 million in pledges.  Calling it a “drop in the ocean”, he underscored that this is not just an issue of funding, but of sustainability and survival.  “The loss and damage fund must be fully operationalized,” he stated.  He added:  “We are not asking for a handout, but for a hand up.  Even the strongest swimmer drowns if left alone in a raging sea.” He also renewed his call for the removal of the blockade on Cuba, observing:  “It has not worked.  It has been in place now for over 70 years.  So, why should it still remain?”

KASSIM MAJALIWA MAJALIWA, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, highlighting the importance of the SDGs as a “beacon of hope” in tackling global challenges, voiced concern about the slow progress in achieving them, with only 17 per cent of targets on track and over a third stalling or regressing.  Against this backdrop, he called for “urgent actions and global solidarity” to overcome challenges like economic imbalances, climate change and conflicts.  Detailing his country’s progress in achieving the SDGs, he spotlighted initiatives like the Building a Better Tomorrow agricultural initiative for youth and women’s empowerment in Zanzibar through seaweed farming.

Citing his country’s historical role in leading the fight against colonialism, he called “for the realization of the right to self-determination of all people under colonial occupation and lifting of economic sanctions imposed against them”, specifically mentioning Cuba.  On peace and security, he emphasized that in light of global health threats and geopolitical tensions “no one is safe until everyone is safe,” urging to “invest more in peace, foster unity and rebuild trust”.  Welcoming the adoption of the World Kiswahili Language Day by the General Assembly, he called for it to become the seventh official UN language.  He went on to highlight his country’s contributions to peacekeeping and mediation efforts, stressing that “Tanzania’s commitment towards peace will not weaken.”

On climate change, he called for greater investments in climate finance to help recover economies already suffering from these effects, noting that Tanzania is “highly vulnerable” to rising sea levels and other climate impacts.  He also emphasized the need to achieve universal clean cooking access in Africa by 2030, noting that 2.4 billion people still rely on polluting fuels for cooking, further exacerbating health problems and food insecurity among other issues.

Ahead of this year’s local government elections and the country’s 2025 presidential and parliamentary elections, he reiterated Tanzania’s commitment to democracy, human rights and rule of law in line with the President’s “4Rs” vision:  reconciliation, resilience, reforms and rebuilding.  “Reforms are crucial for countries and international organizations to stay relevant, for greater inclusiveness, transparency and accountability,” he said, underscoring the need for reforming the Security Council and Bretton Woods institutions.  Urging world leaders “to unite against international threats that undermine unity, peace and human dignity”, he said:  “We can achieve the future we want, if we commit to rebuilding and restoring what has been damaged by our past actions.”

RALPH GONSALVES, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, said the travails of small island developing States endure “in a global community largely disinterested in our well-being”.  Small island developing States have made incremental advances in the global community but “it has been a situation akin to going up and down an escalator in which the down escalator is moving at a faster pace than the upward baby steps”.  He added that frequently, it appears “much of the powerful would wish that SIDS [small island developing States] did not exist”, but “we are stubborn as the heavens. We are not going anywhere despite our massive vulnerabilities … We have a voice, and we will continue to use it.” He demanded, as a right, the international community’s support to address small island developing States unique social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities.  “Small Island Exceptionalism ought to be a category embedded formally in international law and accorded most favourable treatment.”

Developed countries, the major emitters of greenhouse gases, have failed or refused to keep their commitments to restrict global temperature rises.  Without changes to the patterns of consumption, production and living in developed economies, “our planet is inexorably on a path to a proverbial hell in a handbasket”, he underscored.  He criticized several major developed countries for stymieing the transformation of international financial institutions and alterations in climate change financing.  He highlighted, as reflective of failures of multilateralism, Ukraine’s war, the genocide in Gaza, conflicts in Yemen, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, threats across the Taiwan Strait, “an empire’s designs on revolutionary Cuba and Venezuela” and violence in Haiti.  They illustrate a hamstrung United Nations framework.  “Large, powerful nations, singly, or in allied combinations, have a propensity to seek dominance.”  The struggle for ownership, control and distribution of material resources prevails.

In his country’s region the Monroe Doctrine “still stalks the marbled halls of the citadels of a neighbouring great country” despite that “no country in our hemisphere can reasonably be considered a security or other threat to this great nation”.  But, he said, his and other Caribbean countries have been damaged collaterally and directly in significant material ways by “the weaponizing of the financial system and the unjust, unilateral, coercive sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba, which are a breach of international law”.  “I am pleading with our friends for an amicable reset of these troubled relations in the interest of peace, mutual respect, justice and prosperity.”  He noted continued international calls for the end of unilateral sanctions and embargos against Cuba.

He underscored that his country has suffered 12 significant natural hazards this century and thanked those who have come to its aid in the most recent immediate aftermath.  But “for the recovery and rebuilding processes, we are essentially on our own”, seeking significant loans to rebuild.  He appealed to the international community not for further burdensome loans, but for grants.  The recovery and reconstruction after every natural hazard “increase sharply our debt burden”.  This is despite countries like his having contributed little or nothing to climate change.  “Yet, we suffer largely alone on the front lines.  This cannot be fair.  It cannot be just.  Do we have to choose death or debt?”  He noted international calls for European nations responsible for genocide and the enslavement of African bodies to pay reparations for consequential underdevelopment. “This issue of transformative reparatory justice will not go away until it is addressed appropriately,” he underscored.

RUSSELL MMISO DLAMINI, Prime Minister of Eswatini, said his country joins this General Assembly with unwavering dedication to the principles of peace, sustainable development and human dignity.  “There is a need to reconsider the operations of the multilateral institutions such as the IMF [International Monetary Fund] and the World Bank and particularly the Security Council,” he stressed, recalling that in 2005, his country hosted the African Union meeting that resulted in the Ezulwini Consensus which articulated Africa’s common position on the reform of the UN.  “We urge the global community to implement these long-standing commitments and ensure that all regions and peoples have a voice in shaping our collective future,” he said, adding that his country embraced the spirit of “Nkwe” which means “run” — this national ethos symbolizes the collective resolve to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs.  “Nkwe is our rallying cry to run faster, to work harder and to leave no one behind,” he said.

Since Africa is the youngest continent in the world, he said that Eswatini is committed to harnessing this demographic dividend by investing in youth.  “We must act now to ensure that our youth can participate fully in building the Africa we want, an Africa of peace, prosperity and dignity,” he emphasized, adding that poverty remains one of the greatest challenges facing the continent.  He said Eswatini is committed to eradicating poverty through inclusive growth and robust social protection programmes and urged the international community to support these efforts by promoting fair trade, increasing development assistance and fostering partnerships that create jobs and uplift communities.

“However, as a small, middle-income country, we face unique challenges, including limited access to international financing, vulnerability to climate change and economic shocks,” he said, calling on the international community to support the developmental aspirations of countries like Eswatini.  “Eswatini has put forth a comprehensive SDG Recovery and Acceleration Plan, valued at $1.6 billion, covering diverse areas including digital transformation, renewable energy, agriculture, industrial expansion and social protection,” he noted.  “The current global financial architecture is not fit for purpose and must be reformed to make the financing more accessible and equitable,” he stressed, urging to support the reform of global financial mechanisms that have seen developing countries pay much higher costs than developed nations to access the much-needed funds.

He also condemned all forms of violence and supported efforts aimed at silencing the guns across the world, particularly in Africa.  As his country continues to grapple with significant health challenges, he called for collaborative efforts in strengthening health systems, enhancing disease surveillance and building capacity for rapid response to health emergencies.  Turning to climate change, he said his country developed a comprehensive strategy to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of this change, investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and disaster risk reduction.  “We are also proud to announce that Eswatini has recently adopted a ban on single-use plastics,” he said, calling upon developed nations to honour their commitments to climate finance and technology transfer.  “It is only through collective action that we can ensure a sustainable future for all,” he stressed.  “Ironically, Taiwan and its 23.5 million people continue to be left by the United Nations and its specialized agencies,” he continued, calling for their inclusion, so that they can also fully participate in global development.  “May we all embrace the spirit of Nkwe and let us run together with accelerated speed towards our shared goals and ensure that no one is left behind,” he concluded.


For information media. Not an official record.