20th & 21st Meeting (AM & PM)

Continuing its 2023 Resumed Session, Non-Governmental Organizations Committee Recommends 16 Entities for Consultative Status, Defers Action on 120 Others

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations continued its 2023 resumed session today, recommending 16 entities for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and deferring action on 120 others.

The 19-member Committee considers applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification submitted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  Once an application has been reviewed and approved by the Committee it is considered recommended for general, special or roster status based on such criteria as the applicant’s mandate, governance and financial regime.  Organizations granted general and special status can attend meetings of the Council and issue statements, while those with general status can also speak during meetings and propose agenda items.  Those with roster status can only attend meetings.

Action on several applications was deferred because Committee members requested further information from the candidates about issues including details of their organizations’ activities, partners, expenditures, sources of funding and areas of operation.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will meet again at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 18 May, to continue its session.

Special Consultative Status

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant special consultative status to the following 16 entities:

Students for Global Democracy Uganda (Uganda);

Tamdeen Youth Foundation (Yemen);

Zam Zam Foundation (Sri Lanka);

Africa Faith and Justice Network (United States);

Amitofo Care Center International (United States);

Associazione Nazionale Volontarie Telefono Rosa - Centro di Orientamento per i Diritti della Donna – ONLUS (Italy);

Best Practices Policy Project, Inc. (United States);

European network on cultural management and policy (Belgium);

Feminist Legal Clinic Inc. (Australia);

Fondazione Circolo Fratelli Rosselli (Italy);

Georgian academy of criminology sciences (Georgia);

Oeuvre d’Orient (France);

The Conflict and Environment Observatory (United Kingdom);

Vithu Trust Fund (United Kingdom);

Arab Media Union (Egypt); and

Human Rights Protection Group and MFP Federation (India).

The Committee postponed consideration of the following 120 organizations:

Rainbow Volunteer Club (China) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for more information on its cooperation and knowledge-sharing networks;

Samajik Yuva Sangthan Sansthan (India) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for audited financial statements;

Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation (China) — as the representative of the United States asked for income and expenditure forms;

Sri Sharada Institute of Indian Management Research Foundation (India) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for a list of affiliated organizations;

Stella Maris Institute of Development Studies (India) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for information about funding from other organizations and how the funding was used;

Syrian Youth Council — as the representative of the United States asked for information about funding received and activities undertaken by those funds;

The Gulmit Educational and Social Welfare Society, Hunza Gilgit (Pakistan) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for more details about its activities to promote poetry;

The New Woman Foundation (Egypt) — as the representative of Bahrain asked for more information on activities referenced in its statement;

Transnational Anti-Organized Crime Intelligence Group Inc. (TAOC-IG) (Philippines) — as the representative of Bahrain requested more information on its accreditation with various United Nations bodies;

United Global Organization of Development (U-GOOD) (Pakistan) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for a description of procedures of election to their elected bodies;

Water, Environment and Sanitation Society — WESS (Pakistan) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for a clarification about its accreditation with United Nations bodies;

West Papua Interest Association (Indonesia) — as the representative of China asked for information about the discrepancy between its funding and scale of activities and whether a publicly audited financial statement is available;

World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization (China) — as the representative of the United States asked for information on activities outside China;

Y S Makhdoomi Memorial Educational Trust (India) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for information on its contributions to the social development work of the Economic and Social Council;

Yadam Institute of Research (India) — as the representative of China asked for a list of countries where it works outside India;

Youth Parli of Pakistan (YPP) (Pakistan) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for a list of member organizations;

Youth for Human Rights Pakistan (Pakistan) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for advertising materials and information concerning its campaigns;

de Centre Idriss El Fakhouri des Etudes et de Recherches en Sciences Juridiques Oujda (Morocco) — as the representative of Algeria asked a question concerning its relationship with a professional association;

A.D.A.M. (Association d'aide aux migrants)(France) — as the representative of Algeria asked about a discrepancy concerning membership roles;

All Survivors Project Foundation (Liechtenstein) — as the representative of Cameroon asked how it conducts its activities without members;

American Center for International Labor Solidarity (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked for information about its offices and its relations with authorities;

American Medical Women’s Association, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of China asked for its participation in the activities of the Commission on the Status of Women;

Asociacion Psicoanalitica De Madrid (Spain) — as the representative of China requested the organization to make corrections on the basis of United Nations terminology;

Asociatia Romanian Women’s Lobby (Romania)— as the representative of Türkiye asked for more information on its relationship with European Women’s Lobby;

Association Femmes Solidaires (AFS)(Morocco) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for examples of its humanitarian work;

Association of Civilians and Organizations for Corporate Learning Development “Mako” (Russian Federation) — as the representative of Georgia asked for information about its relationship with the civic chamber;

Association of Lawyers of Russia (Russian Federation) — as the representative of the United States asked for a list of institutions that it has worked with and criteria for selecting those organizations;

Association of Non-for-Profit Organizations to Facilitate the Drug Prevention and Socially Dangerous Behaviour “National Anti-Drug Union” (Russian Federation) — as the representative of the United States asked for more information about its collaborative work;

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (Canada) — as the representative of China asked about its sponsorship agreement with the Government of Canada;

Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Eritrea asked for an explanation concerning its staff, as well as a clarification on its work in South Sudan;

Center for Military Human Rights Korea (CMHRK) (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of Cuba asked about for detailed information about supplementary activities;

Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos A.C (Mexico) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for details about projects it carries out for conservation and sustainable use of natural resources;

Coalition pour l'abolition de la prostitution (CAP) (France) — as the representative of Nicaragua asked how it guarantees that the 35 front-line organizations it works with adhere to its values;

Congres mondial Amazigh – CMA (France) — as the representative of Algeria asked for information concerning its partner organizations;

Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of Cuba asked about the discrepancy in the numbers of its individual members;

European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF) (France) — as the representative of China asked for a clarification concerning the organizational structure;

European Network of Migrant Women (Belgium) — as the representative of Türkiye asked about its plans to change its leadership structure and any consequent administrative changes;

Fn-Sambandet i Norge (Norway) — as the representative of Türkiye requested an updated list of its member organizations;

Fondazione Pangea ONLUS (Italy) — as the representative of Türkiye requested information on its research and financing;

Foundation for a Drug-Free World (United States) — as the representative of Algeria asked for information concerning its decision-making process;

Foundation of the National Council of YMCAs of Korea (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of China asked for information about its cooperation with local governments and communities;

Fundació Josep Irla (Spain) — as the representative of Georgia asked for more detailed information about its joint projects;

Geneva Call (Switzerland) — as the representative of Türkiye requested further details on its use of targeted awareness raising and training tools and how effective they have proven;

Global Alumni Alliance (Russian Federation) — as the representative of the United Kingdom cited several trustees with links to the Russian Federation Government, asking for their role in decision-making and how it remains non‑governmental;

Global Detention Project (Switzerland) — as the representative of Algeria requested information on income from philanthropic sources and the mechanism of cooperation with those entities;

Human Rights Activists (United States) — as the representative of Pakistan asked the entity to share reports on human rights violations in Iran in 2021 and 2022;

Humanity Diaspo (France) — as the representative of China asked about projects overseas aside from Morocco to support its international goal;

International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation (CCTT) (Switzerland) — as the representative of the United States asked how it ensures and maintains the smooth movement of transport and export goods with the various stakeholders it works with;

International Cultural Diversity Organization (Austria) — as the representative of Algeria requested an explanation of the discrepancy regarding the number of members;

International Funders for Indigenous Peoples Inc. (United States) — as the representative of China asked about the structure of its network;

International Society of Criminology (United States) — as the representative of China asked for further clarification on its relationship with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);

International Youth Federation (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Algeria asked for clarification on funding from members and rules to prevent a possible conflict of interest;

Intl. WeLoveU Foundation (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of Cuba asked if regular donations are tied to specific projects, and what would happen if they decreased;

Kandilarla Dayanişma Vakfi (Türkiye) — as the representative of Türkiye requested information on funds received from the European Union and the French Embassy in Türkiye, and the relevant projects and outcomes;

Khalsa Aid International (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Cameroon asked about reception of approval from the countries and licences to work in areas of concern, how it coordinates with relevant authorities so that aid reaches those who need it, and protection of humanitarian personnel;

Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation (United States) — as the representative of China asked for details on its partnerships;

Kite Oxford (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Algeria cited a discrepancy in the list of members of the executive body, and requested an updated list;

Kvinnors Nätverk (Sweden) — as the representative of Türkiye asked if its second annual conference on women’s rights had been held, and for information on issues including financing and results;

Mamanet Mothers’ Cachibol League in Kfar Saba – for the Community (registered association) (Israel) — as the representative of Algeria asked about budgeting sources from other non-governmental organizations, particularly regarding the decision-making process;

Mnemonic non-profit entrepreneurial company (with limited liability) (Germany) — as the representative of Eritrea asked for clarification on its contribution to the Economic and Social Council, particularly in the domain of human rights and technology;

Moscow Helsinki Group (Russian Federation) — as the representative of Algeria asked it to elaborate on its decision-making process and the interaction between different executive bodies;

NAUH (Now Action & Unity for Human Rights) (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of China asked for information on its cooperation with United Nations agencies in Seoul;

NTC-Hands off Cain (Italy) — as the representative of Pakistan asked the group for its publications regarding the death penalty;

Nationaal Papoea Vereniging ‘95/West Nieuw Guinea (Netherlands) — as the representative of India requested financial statements for the last three years;

National Committee on BRICS Research (Russian Federation) — as the representative of the United Kingdom asked for information on its links to the Russian Federation State;

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Of Oklahoma City, Inc (United States) — as the representative of the United States requested clarification on its current relationship with Swami Nithyananda, who faces charges in India for kidnapping and other abuses, a question that has been asked previously;

Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Hindu Tempel (Netherlands) — as the representative of the India asked for details on its current relationship with Swami Nithyananda, who faces charges in India;

Nobel Women’s Initiative (Canada) — as the representative of Nicaragua asked how it carries out projects and activities while listing that it has no members;

PeaceCorea (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of Nicaragua requested information on private sources of funding, invoicing of events and what is meant by profits from interest;

Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute (United States) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for details on its administrative expenses, which have not been provided;

SAM pour les droits et les libertés (Switzerland) — as the representative of Algeria requested an explanation on the status of each category of cooperating volunteers, and how that capacity is decided;

SJAC (United States) — as the representative of Eritrea asked if it cooperates with national justice mechanisms to achieve its objectives;

Sheikh Abdullah Al Nouri Charity Society (Kuwait) — as the representative of Eritrea requested specific information on ongoing projects and activities given the lack of same in the application, and the huge imbalance related to its income;

10Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of Nicaragua asked for details on an organization with which it works, and financing for projects;

Stichting Mideast Youth (Netherlands) — as the representative of Algeria invited the organization to provide an updated financial statement;

Stichting Volunteer Activists (Netherlands) — as the representative of Cameroon requested a full list of funding entities and the amounts of their contributions;

Stichting White Helmets Foundation (Netherlands) — as the representative of Cameroon requested details on the process of approval for the countries it works in;

Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt - Finnish Development NGOs Fingo ry (Finland) — as the representative of China noted the website referred to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as countries, and requested that it use the correct terminology of “province of China” and “Special Administrative Region”;

Syria Relief (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for a list of the group’s latest projects, as well as its sources of funding;

Syrian Legal Development Programme (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Eritrea asked how the organization identifies business-related human rights violations, the verification mechanism and its relationship with national justice mechanisms;

TMG Research gGmbH (Germany) — as the representative of Nicaragua requested more information on collaboration with local and international partners, and the challenges in governance;

Tai Studies Center (United States) — as the representative of India asked for information on its board members and their activities;

The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (United States) — as the representative of China requested a list of countries worldwide in which it has offered training and technical assistance programmes to prevent violence against marginalized groups; 

The Bar Human Rights Committee (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Nicaragua requested a list of international organizations that contribute financially;

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (United States) — as the representative of Cuba noted its revenue of $32 million and expenditures of $17 million, asking why spending is so low;

The Friendship League of Culture and Sport (Israel) — as the representative of Algeria asked for further details on its relationship with major donors, including in the decision-making process;

The Global Energy Association on Development of International Research and Projects in the Field of Energy (Russian Federation) — as the representative of the United States asked for a list of recent donation agreements and amounts;

The Global Initiative – Verein gegen transnationale organisierte Kriminalität (Austria) — as the representative of China noted 70 per cent of income comes from Government, requesting further detail on programmes and cooperation;

Time to Help UK (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Türkiye requested further details on election of Board of Director members and how they reach decisions;

Transitional Justice Working Group (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of China, cited a discrepancy where the organization is listed as an international group but elsewhere states it only works in its own country;

Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Kalkındırma Derneği (Türkiye) — as the representative of Eritrea asked if the entity coordinates with relevant authorities to sustain support for those most in need;

Österreichischer Rat Für Nachhaltige Entwicklung - Österreichischer Nachhaltigkeitsrat für soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Angelegenheiten (Austria) — as the representative of Israel requested examples of policies supported and partners in national, European and global contexts;

“Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO (Armenia) — as the representative of Türkiye asked for further information on accreditation and the ensuing meetings;

“Mission Armenia” Charitable Non-governmental Organization (Armenia) — as the representative of Türkiye requested links or copies of submissions to the Open-Ended Working Group on Aging in 2019 and 2021;

Association de la femme saharienne pour le développement intégré (Morocco) — as the representative of Algeria asked for further information on funding provided by other activities; 

Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust (ASSET) (India) — as the representative of India requested information on financial assistance received from Government organizations over the past 10 years;

Associação Nacional de Juristas Evangélicos — ANAJURE (Brazil) — as the representative of Cuba note its expenditures are identical to total income, asking it to provide more details on management of resources;

Baghbaan (Pakistan) — as the representative of India asked for details on foreign donors;

Centre for Participatory Democracy (India) — as the representative of India asked for a list of ground-level activities since the resolution of the COVID-19 situation;

Child Nurture and Relief Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir) — as the representative of India requested details on foreign funding from 2020 to March 2023;

Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity (Albania) — as the representative of Armenia asked for information on its negotiation and mediation activities;

Direct Focus Community Aid (Pakistan) — as the representative of India requested confirmation as to when the group’s website is working;

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Foundation (India) — as the representative of China asked for clarification on its Asia-Pacific partners;

Environmental and Societal Development Foundation (Pakistan) — as the representative of India requested information about the cost and funding of its environment-related projects;

Fondacioni "Yesilay" (Albania) — as the representative of Armenia asked for a list of scientific articles it has published;

Fundación Ciudadanía y Desarrollo (Ecuador) — as the representative of Cuba asked for information on its relationship with the Government;

Girija Prasad Koirala Foundation for Democracy Peace and Development (Nepal) — as the representative of India asked how it ensures its independence as a non-governmental organization;

Global Village Forum Chakwal c/o Shaheen Degree College Chappar Bazar Chakwal (Pakistan) — as the representative of India requested a clarification on its assets;

Human Rights Initiative (India) — as the representative of India asked for a copy of the remarks it delivered at a meeting of the Asian Human Rights Commission;

Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (Iran) — as the representative of the United States asked how it motivates young people to start families;

10Karim Khan Afridi Welfare Foundation (Pakistan) — as the representative of India asked for a clarification on its membership bylaws;

Lahore Educational and Welfare Society (Pakistan) — as the representative of India asked to be informed when its website is functioning;

Legal Aid Society (Pakistan) — as the representative of India sought a clarification on a funding-related discrepancy;

Life Bliss Foundation (Singapore) — as the representative of India asked a question about its relationship with Swami Nithyananda who is facing prosecution for rape and other charges;

Mwatana Organization for Human Rights (Yemen) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for more information about the roles of its different offices;

National Forum for Human Rights (Yemen) — as the representative of Israel asked how it plans to obtain a stable income;

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam TCD Trust (India) — as the representative of the United States requested more information about how it plans to contribute to the Economic and Social Council;

OxYGen Foundation for Protection of Women and Youth Rights (Armenia) — as the representative of Türkiye asked a question about its registration;

PAY-W Clinic (India) — as the representative of India asked how it carries out its activities with only “one wooden chair, one wooden table and one wooden cupboard”; and

Pak Special Persons Welfare Society (Pakistan) — as the representative of India asked for a clarification on membership.

For information media. Not an official record.