In progress at UNHQ


Honour Transatlantic Slave Trade’s Victims by Telling Their Stories, Opposing Modern Forms of Enslavement, Secretary-General Urges in Remembrance Day Message

Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message for the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, observed on 25 March:

The transatlantic slave trade was one of history’s most appalling manifestations of human barbarity.  We must never forget the crimes and impacts, in Africa and beyond, across the centuries.

The United Nations Remember Slavery Programme helps to ensure that the lessons are learned and heeded today.

Enslaved people struggled against a legal system they knew was wrong.  On many occasions, they sacrificed their lives in the hope of freedom.

We need to tell the stories of those who stood up against their oppressors and recognize their righteous resistance.

On this International Day of Remembrance, we pay homage to the millions of African men, women and children who were denied their humanity and forced to endure such abominable cruelty.

We honour them by standing up against ongoing forms of slavery, by raising awareness of the dangers of racism in our time, and by ensuring justice and equal opportunities for all people of African descent today.

For information media. Not an official record.