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Secretary-General Spells Out Tools for Combating Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Message to Counter-Terrorism Committee

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message to the Counter-Terrorism Committee special meeting on “Security Council resolution 2396 (2017):  Review of the Madrid Guiding Principles”, in New York today:

The Madrid Guiding Principles were adopted three years ago to help Member States stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters.  You have gathered to review the Principles to ensure they respond to today’s realities.  I particularly welcome your engagement with civil society.

The Security Council has reaffirmed the need to improve border security, information-sharing on judicial measures and strategies to prosecute, rehabilitate and reintegrate terrorists in line with international human rights law. 

We must take heed of this.

The United Nations has begun to support Member States on the use of Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record data to help secure borders.  We have also adopted a comprehensive approach to help Governments deal with the threat of returning and relocating foreign terrorism fighters.

More than half of these projects focus on rehabilitating and reintegrating people back into society when it is safe to do so, in a manner that is gender and child sensitive, consistent with international law.  New projects specifically target the complex issue of women and child returnees.  I thank Member States for their support.

The recently launched United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact is a continuation of my reform of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism architecture.  I urge Member States to fully utilize it as a vehicle to address the evolving threat and make a positive difference in people’s lives.  I wish you a successful meeting.

For information media. Not an official record.