In progress at UNHQ


Following Incident Near Crimean Peninsula in Black Sea, Secretary-General Stresses Need for Ukraine, Russian Federation to Exercise Maximum Restraint

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres:

The Secretary-General is greatly concerned over the 25 November incident near the Crimean Peninsula in the Black Sea at the approach to the Kerch Strait and involving Ukrainian and Russian Federation vessels.  He underlines the immediate need to avoid any risk of further escalation of the situation.

The Secretary-General urges both parties to exercise maximum restraint and to take steps without delay to contain this incident and reduce tensions through all available peaceful means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.  He underscores the need to fully respect the rights and obligations of all concerned parties under relevant international instruments.  The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, in accordance with relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions, must also be fully respected.

For information media. Not an official record.