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Local Governments Can Take Integrated Rights-Based Approaches to Ensure Safe Cities for All, Secretary-General Tells Forum on Urban Violence

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message to the Second World Forum on Urban Violence, in Madrid today:

I send my warm greetings to everyone at the World Forum on Urban Violence.  Cities have a key role in addressing all forms of crime and violence, including against women and girls.  Local governments can develop integrated approaches based on human rights to ensure safe, resilient, sustainable cities for all. 

Working with young people and neighbourhood committees, taking a gender-sensitive approach to policies and planning, and strengthening action against sexual harassment in public spaces can all make a difference.

More than 40 cities — including Madrid — are participating in the United Nations Global Programme on Safe Public Spaces, with partners from local government and civil society.  Preventing, reducing and ending urban violence and creating cities that are safe for all is an important foundation for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Thank you for your commitment.

For information media. Not an official record.