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Lenders, Businesses Have Key Role in Implementing 2030 Agenda, Secretary-General Says as European Investment Bank Celebrates Sixtieth Anniversary

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message to the European Investment Bank celebration dinner, in Luxembourg City today:

It is a pleasure to congratulate the European Investment Bank on its sixtieth anniversary.

Banks and businesses have a key role to play in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world’s blueprint for advancing peace and prosperity for all on a healthy planet.  Multilateral development banks can help mobilize private finance and steer investments towards green technology and climate‑friendly infrastructure.

I commend the European Investment Bank for its pioneering role in these areas, including the launch of its first green bonds more than 10 years ago, and sustainability awareness bonds just recently.  I also thank you for co-organizing the 2017 Global Infrastructure Forum in close partnership with the United Nations.

Let us continue working together to seize the opportunities of climate action and achieve our common goals.  Thank you.

For information media. Not an official record.