Heightened Vigilance, Targeted Surveillance Essential in Disrupting Terrorist Networks, Secretary-General Tells Meeting on Security Issues
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message, delivered by Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, to the ninth international meeting of high-level representatives on security issues, being held in Sochi, Russian Federation, from 24 to 26 April:
I am pleased to greet this high-level meeting on security issues. I commend the Russian Federation for this initiative.
This year’s meeting focuses on timely and critical challenges to international peace and security.
In the fight against terrorism and violent extremism, international cooperation is more important than ever. Terrorist organizations have become increasingly transnational. Heightened vigilance and targeted surveillance are essential if we are to disrupt terrorist networks, track their activities and target their finances.
At the same time, security strategies should be comprehensive and include prevention efforts that address root causes, expand opportunities for youth, empower women, and respect international human rights laws and standards.
In June, I will convene the first United Nations high-level conference of heads of counter-terrorism agencies of Member States. The aim is to strengthen multilateral counter-terrorism cooperation through new global, regional and bilateral partnerships.
In our increasingly connected world, we must also intensify our efforts to prioritize the prevention of conflict. Together we must focus on moving from conflict to dialogue, guided by the rule of law and a commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes.
You can count on the commitment of the United Nations to work with all partners to find peaceful solutions to these challenges. I wish this meeting every success.