Secretary-General Calls on All Parties in Conflict to Observe Truce during 2018 Olympic, Paralympic Games
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the Olympic Truce for the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games, issued today:
This week the world will gather in PyeongChang in the Republic of Korea, united by the Olympic spirit: in solidarity, mutual respect and friendly competition.
The Olympics and Paralympics showcase the best of the world’s athletic achievements and the best of humanity.
The Olympic Truce, which dates back to Ancient Greece, allows for the safe travel of athletes and spectators, and demands peace among participants during the period when the games take place. Its fundamental message is that our common humanity can transcend political differences. This ideal has more resonance than ever on the Korean Peninsula.
I call on all parties to conflict to observe the Olympic Truce during the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Let the Olympic flame shine as a beacon to human solidarity. Let the Olympic Truce help spread a culture of peace.