In progress at UNHQ


Secretary-General Calls New President of Gambia, Voices ‘Deep Concern’ Over Outgoing Leader’s Refusal to Step Aside, Refugee Outflow into Senegal

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres:

Earlier today, the Secretary-General called Adama Barrow, the President of the Gambia, to discuss the latest developments in the country and to congratulate him on his inauguration.

The Secretary-General expressed deep concern about the refusal of outgoing President Yahya Jammeh to step aside, and about the high outflow of Gambians into Senegal.

The Secretary-General told President Barrow of his full support for his determination, and ECOWAS’s historic decision, with the unanimous backing of the Security Council, to restore the rule of law in the Gambia so as to honour and respect the will of the Gambian people.

The Secretary-General conveyed the readiness of the United Nations system to support President Barrow and his Government in their efforts to promote democracy and achieve sustainable development in the Gambia.

For information media. Not an official record.