In progress at UNHQ


Secretary-General Appoints Yukio Takasu of Japan Special Adviser on Human Security

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed Yukio Takasu of Japan as Special Adviser on Human Security.

Mr. Takasu was formerly appointed as Special Adviser on Human Security in 2010, a role which he concurrently undertook during his tenure as Under-Secretary-General for Management (2012-2017).

He will lead the follow-up to the General Assembly resolution (A/RES/66/290) on human security.  He will work closely with Member States, in partnership with United Nations system of organizations and other stakeholders to advance the human security approach in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the sustaining peace agenda.

Mr. Takasu will lead the United Nations advocacy efforts on mainstreaming human security, advance the implementation of the framework for cooperation on the system-wide application of human security approach, advise the Secretary-General on the management of the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and future expansion of its donor base, and provide operational guidance to the Human Security Unit.  The position is unsalaried.

He has a long and distinguished career related to the United Nations activities in the Government of Japan, the United Nations and as an academic.  He has held several senior diplomatic positions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, including Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, and senior positions in the United Nations, including Assistant Secretary-General, Controller of the United Nations.

Mr. Takasu has held academic positions at Harvard University, the University of Tokyo and the Graduate University for Policy Studies in Japan.  Mr. Takasu was educated at the University of Tokyo (Faculty of Law) and Oxford University (Merton College).


*     This supersedes Press Release SG/A/1340 of 25 April 2012.

For information media. Not an official record.