In progress at UNHQ

Seventy-first Session,
38th Meeting (PM)*

Budget Committee Approves Funds, Posts Needed for Creation of Global Counter-Terrorism Office

The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today approved, without a vote, a draft decision on the programme budget implications of a General Assembly draft resolution aimed at strengthening the United Nations system’s ability to help Member States implement the Organization’s Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

The Assembly’s resolution would establish an Office of Counter-Terrorism, as suggested by the Secretary-General in his report on the Strategy (document A/71/858).  The current Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force Office and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre, together with their existing staff, as well as all associated regular and extrabudgetary resources, would be transferred out of the Department of Political Affairs into the new Office, which would be headed by an Under-Secretary-General.

In its decision (document A/C.5/71/L.32), the Committee decided to inform the Assembly that should it adopt that resolution (document A/71/L.66), an extra $373,200 net of staff assessment would be required from the 2016-2017 programme budget.  That amount would comprise $162,700 under section 3, Political affairs, and $210,500 under section 29D, Office of Central Support Services, which would be met from within sections 3 and 29D, respectively, of the budget.

Further, the Committee decided to establish two posts — one at the Under-Secretary-General level to head the new Office, the other at the P-3 grade to function as his Special Assistant — under section 3, Political affairs, of the budget.

The Committee will meet again at a time and date to be announced.


*     The 37th Meeting was covered in Press Release GA/11915 of 31 May 2017.

For information media. Not an official record.