15th Meeting (AM)

Concluding Substantive Session, Non-Governmental Organizations Committee Presents Draft Report, Addresses Pending Applications

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today concluded substantive work of its 2017 regular session with the presentation of the body’s draft report, which will be finalized for adoption later this month.

It also recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant special consultative status to 5 organizations, postponing its consideration of 15 others, and closed the applications of organizations which had not responded to the Committee’s last three reminders.

The 19-member Committee considers applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification submitted by non-governmental organizations.  Once an application has been reviewed and approved by the Committee it is considered recommended for consultative status.  Organizations which are granted general and special status can attend meetings of the Council and issue statements, while those with general status can also speak during meetings and propose agenda items.  Organizations with roster status can only attend meetings.

The Committee’s report on the current session, contained in document E/C.2/2017/CRP.6, which was presented by Rapporteur Farid Jabrayilov (Azerbaijan), would be finalized through informal consultations.

The Committee will reconvene to conclude its regular session on Tuesday, 21 February.

Consultative Status

Returning to its consideration of new applications submitted by groups not yet accredited with the Economic and Social Council, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations recommended that special consultative status be granted to the following entities: [YES 5, POSTPONED 15]

ISKCON Communications International (United States);

The RINJ Foundation (Canada);

United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (United States);

Women Enabled (United States);

urbaMonde–Suisse (Switzerland).

The Committee postponed consideration of the following organizations:

Gulf Centre for Human Rights Limited (Ireland) — as the representative of Mauritania asked for details on missions.

Korea Human Rights Foundation (Republic of Korea) — as the representative of Cuba requested further information on projects.

US Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (United States) — as the representative of China asked for an explanation for how the group maintained a non-political position and for information on projects.  In addition, the representative of the Russian Federation requested clarification on sources the group used for research and verification mechanisms.  The representative of the United States said the same question on impartiality had been asked and answered in 2016.  The representative of China and the Russian Federation pointed out that further information was needed.

Women Living under Muslim Laws-International Solidarity Network (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Pakistan requested details on activities in regional coordination offices, and the representative of Iran asked for details on 2015 grants and the selection criteria.

“SEG” Civil Society Support Center NGO (Armenia) — as the representative of Azerbaijan requested details on the group’s latest financial statement, including income sources, and whether it had a website.

Al-Marsad, The Arab Centre for Human Rights in the Golan Heights (R.A.) (Occupied Syrian Golan) — as the representative of Israel requested details on the group’s legal action against the United Nations.

Association Concerning Sexual Violence against Women (China) – as the representative of Burundi requested further information on regional activities planned for 2017.

Conglomeration of Bengal’s Hotel Owners (India) — as the representative of India requested details on projects and activities.

Dalit Welfare Organization (Nepal) — as the representative of India requested details on projects.

Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity (Albania) – as the representative of Greece asked for further information on the group’s mandate.  The representative of South Africa asked for clarification on which countries the group considered “uncivilized”.

ELA-Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (Argentina) — as the representative of Nicaragua requested further details on results of the meeting at which the group had participated in May 2016 in Mexico City and on projects with which it partnered with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women).

Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB) (Bangladesh) — as the representatives of Nicaragua and India asked for details on projects planned in new areas.

Global Campaign for Education (South Africa) – as the representative of Cuba asked how the group maintained its independence when it depended largely on government funding.  The representative of South Africa asked why the group was based in South Africa when it was not registered there and had no projects or members in the country.  She also requested a list of projects and activities.

Global Initiative for Positive Change (South Africa) — as the representative of South Africa asked for details on where and when projects were taking place, for information on South African partners and whether the group had a relationship with the Government of Nigeria.

Gulshan-e-John (Pakistan) — as the representative of Pakistan asked for details on the group’s relationship with the Government of Kenya.

Closure of Applications

The Committee decided to close, without prejudice, a number of deferred applications of groups that had not responded to the Committee’s last three reminders as of 8 February 2017.

For information media. Not an official record.