In progress at UNHQ


Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2268 (2016) ‘Our Best Chance’ to Reduce Brutal Violence in Syria, Says Secretary-General

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolution 2268 (2016) by the Security Council, which endorsed the Joint Statement of the United States and the Russian Federation, as Co-Chairs of the International Syria Support Group, on the Cessation of Hostilities in Syria, and the demand that it begins at 00:00 Damascus time on 27 February.

The full implementation of this resolution — including unimpeded and sustainable humanitarian deliveries — is our best chance to reduce the brutal violence in Syria.  What matters now are not the words of the resolution but whether it will make real changes on the ground and reduce the suffering of the Syrian people and create space and the credibility for the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria to relaunch political negotiation over transition in accordance with the Geneva communiqué and resolution 2254 (2015).

For information media. Not an official record.