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Environmental Dimension Central to 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Secretary-General Tells Awards Ceremony

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), to the UNEP Champions of the Earth Award ceremony, in New York today:

The world’s population is growing rapidly.  The natural resources to equitably sustain it are not.  Today, we see more people fleeing conflict, disasters and environmentally-stressed areas than at any time in the 70 years since the United Nations was created.  If we fail to address some of the underlying environmental issues, those numbers will grow, along with the level of human suffering and indignity.  That is why the environmental dimension is central to the historic 2030 global sustainable development agenda.

Improving the quality of life for more people, while better protecting our fragile and finite natural capital, is the defining challenge of our time.  The world needs transformative change.  World leaders have acknowledged the scale and complexity of the challenge in the Sustainable Development Goals.  Now they must show equal commitment to a sustainable future by forging a bold universal agreement on climate change in Paris in December.

The global transformation we need must be based on sound science and driven by the collaboration of Governments, civil society and the private sector.  Thanks to UNEP and its many dedicated partners — including some of those being recognized as Champions of the Earth — access to independent scientific research and informed discussion about the environment is more democratized than at any time in history.  However, we must do even more to make key information available, to encourage public participation and to support those seeking justice in environmental matters.

The achievements of the 2015 Champions of the Earth contribute directly to improving the quality of life for a growing population.  Their actions demonstrate a deep-rooted commitment to people and planet that is an inspiration to millions of people around the world.  They deserve our gratitude and the honour of this prestigious award.

For information media. Not an official record.