In progress at UNHQ


Concerned by Violence in Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Secretary-General Calls on Local Leaders to Prevent Extremists from Controlling Political Agenda

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General condemns the numerous rockets launched from Gaza towards Israel over the last few days.  The Secretary-General is also very concerned over recent violence in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.

The violence includes yesterday’s car ramming near the settlement of Shiloh which resulted in serious injuries to two Israeli soldiers; the firebomb attack that seriously injured an Israeli woman on Monday, 3 August, in East Jerusalem; and the violent clashes in the aftermath of the Duma terrorist attack that was met with global condemnation, including in Israel.  Also today, the Secretary-General received worrisome reports of provocations by settlers in Hebron.

The Secretary-General condemns these acts and expects all parties to speak out against and prevent such incidents.  He calls upon Israeli and Palestinian political and community leaders not to allow extremists to escalate the situation and take control of the political agenda.  He reiterates that only the realization of a two-State solution can sustainably put an end to violence.

For information media. Not an official record.