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In Video Message to Special Meeting of Counter-Terrorism Committee, Secretary-General Announces Plans to Prevent Violent Extremism, Address States’ Needs

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the Special Meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee with Member States and international and regional organizations on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters, held in Madrid, 28 July:

Your Excellency Mariano Rajoy Brey, President of the Government of Spain, Your Excellency José Manuel García Margallo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, Your Excellency Jorge Fernández Díaz, Minister of the Interior of Spain,

I thank the Government of Spain for hosting this special meeting.

Since the adoption of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), the number of foreign terrorist fighters — and the countries from which they travel — continues to grow.

Member States are now also increasingly confronted with the challenge of returning fighters.  Some returnees have even perpetrated more attacks.

I welcome the Security Council’s presidential statement earlier this year establishing further measures to stem the flow of these fighters.  In response to the Council’s call, I am developing a plan to address the priority needs of Member States.

The rise in the number of foreign terrorist fighters is also a manifestation of the growing spread of violent extremism, which demands urgent international attention.  I am pleased that today’s meeting will address this important issue.  Later this year, I intend to present to the General Assembly a plan of action to prevent violent extremism.

The plan of action will propose ways to address the drivers of violent extremism and provide concrete recommendations for action.

While security measures and sometimes even military action may be necessary, our response must always be based on human rights and the rule of law.

Counter-terrorism efforts that violate fundamental rights betray the values they seek to defend — and can further fuel violent extremism.

The international community’s response will be effective only through coordinated, multilateral action grounded in the founding principles of the United Nations.

In that spirit, I wish you great success.

For information media. Not an official record.