In progress at UNHQ


Secretary-General at Earth Day Concert Asks: Will You Support Women’s Empowerment, Speak Up for Universal Education, ‘People and Planet’

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the Global Citizen Earth Day concert, in Washington, D.C., today:

Happy Earth Day, Washington!

What a beautiful crowd!  You’ve heard great music and speeches all day.  Now I want to hear from you.

Will you support our global goal to empower women and girls?

Will you speak up to get every child in school?

Will you raise your voice for people and our planet?

2015 is a time for global action.  It’s our best chance to end global poverty.  It’s our last chance to slow global warming.

There is no Plan B because there is no Planet B.  You have the power.  Your generation can make it happen.  Be a global citizen.  Take your passion and compassion and build a better, sustainable world.  And, together, let’s make our global goals — a global reality!  Thank you!

For information media. Not an official record.