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Commending El Salvador Legislature’s Pivotal Role in Institutional Framework, Secretary-General Encourages Body to Continue Quest for Social Justice

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly, in San Salvador today:

Es un gran honor para mí dirigirme a esta Asamblea durante mi primera visita a su maravilloso país.  Muchisimas gracias por sus amables palabras y esta significativa condecoración.  Me siento enormemente orgulloso de recibir este honor por parte del pueblo salvadoreño, quien “tiene el cielo por sombrero, tan alta es su dignidad.”

[It is a profound honour to address this Legislative Assembly on this, my first visit to your remarkable country.  Thank you very much for your kind words and for bestowing on me this significant award.  I am so proud to be honoured by the Salvadoran people, who “have the sky for a hat, so high is its dignity”.]

I humbly accept this recognition on behalf of all the women and men of the United Nations striving to advance global peace, development and human rights.

Salvadorans are recognized around the world for their hard work and joy of life.  I am delighted to be in El Salvador to celebrate one of the products of your hard work, and one of your greatest joys:  the peace that was forged twenty-three years ago.

This Legislative Assembly played a pivotal role in setting up the institutional framework provided by the peace accords.  The honourable members of this house worked to make political transformation a reality.  In little more than a generation, you have made inspiring progress.  

You are building independent and transparent institutions, consolidating democracy and the rule of law and enhancing respect for human rights.

Not so long ago, El Salvador hosted a peacekeeping mission.  Today, Salvadoran troops serve as peacekeepers from Haiti to the Middle East to Africa.  This is yet another measure of your success and commitment to global solidarity.

Peace and development go hand-in-hand.  You have made tremendous progress in opening the doors of education to more girls and improving health care, including maternal mortality.

I am here to congratulate your many achievements.  I am also here as a great friend to encourage you to continue the quest for peace and social justice.  

Today’s anniversary is a reminder that the journey did not end 23 years ago.  In many ways, it just began.

El Salvador — like countries around the world — continues to face daunting challenges that require renewed national consensus and determined action.

There is one common ingredient for success.  That ingredient is dialogue, inclusive dialogue.  Dialogue and inclusion are essential to building a shared vision of the future that meets the needs and expectations, aspirations of all Salvadorans.

I welcome the joint declaration signed by all political parties last Friday for a full and honest dialogue on the crucial issues facing the country.  I urge you to live up to that commitment.

Revive a new spirit of unity and solidarity.  Work to deepen reconciliation within Salvadoran society.  Fully realize the rights to truth, justice and the reparation of victims of gross violations of human rights in line with international commitments.  

In a larger sense, the best way to ensure that no one is left behind is by bringing in your country’s many voices into the decision making process — including women, indigenous peoples and young people.

About half of all Salvadorans were born after the 1992 peace agreement.  Your large youth population can be an engine for transformation.  

They need an inclusive economy that fosters investment, entrepreneurship, universal social protection and decent jobs.  They need opportunities to contribute to the future of El Salvador without having to look abroad.  

At the same time, empowering women is essential to twenty-first century success.  I congratulate El Salvador for standing out among your neighbours for the high levels of women representatives in the Legislative Assembly.

Equal participation is a fundamental pillar of democracy — and I recognize the recently approved 30 per cent minimum quota of women in all electoral lists.  I hope this quota will be exceeded in the upcoming elections.  Fifty-fifty.

I also welcome the adoption of the Special Comprehensive Law for a Life Free of Violence against Women; however, levels of violence against women and girls remain unacceptable.  Let us pledge to do even more to end violence and impunity.

The United Nations stands ready to support an open and honest national dialogue on ensuring the full respect and protection of the rights of women in all aspects, including issues of sexual and reproductive health.

This year 2015 will be crucial to building a world of dignity and sustainable development for all.  In twelve short months, we will reach the end of the Millennium Development Goals and we can establish a new generation of sustainable development goals — and adopt a meaningful, universal agreement on climate change.

Those three are the top priorities of this work of the United Nations.  The United Nations will work with you and I hope the people and the Government of El Salvador will work closely with the United Nations

El Salvador has made key contributions to this process.  I am particularly grateful for your consultations which provided a platform for many traditionally marginalized voices.  In order to make the most of this vital year, we must continue working together.  

Today’s challenges know no borders.  There is no border in this world, this is in fact a very small planet.  Just one e-mail, Twitter [tweet] will reach the end of this world in the fraction of a second.  Today's responsibilities and today's issues and all that's happening will impact El Salvador and the neighbouring countries.

Transnational organized crime networks, for example, fuel violence, spread corruption and undermine democratic institutions and the rule of law.

Climate change and the growing impact of natural disasters and severe regional weather patterns equally require joint solutions.  Recently, we have been experiencing extreme weather patterns.  El Salvador is no exception, you are on the frontline of this climate change phenomenon.

As you work to deepen reconciliation within the country, I urge you to continue to strengthen cooperation beyond your borders.

Your country hosts the headquarters of the Central American Integration System with a daughter of El Salvador, Victoria Marina Velásquez de Avilés, at the helm.

You are also addressing shared concerns through the "Alliance for Prosperity in the Northern Triangle" — and you are consolidating a zone of peace, security and sustainable development with the States bordering the Gulf of Fonseca.  

In the words of the Salvadoran poet, Alberto Masferrer, Central American nations are advancing toward a new patriotism, “one that flies over borders …. and builds a present of strength and dignity, and brews a tomorrow of justice and triumph.”

Just as human rights were central to the peace process, respect and protection of human rights lie at the heart of a democratic society today.  The recent election of El Salvador to the Human Rights Council is a reflection of your commitment to this truth.  

I congratulate the Legislative Assembly for ratifying several important human rights instruments, including those aimed at abolishing the death penalty.  I encourage you to do the same for pending human rights treaties, including those aimed at eliminating discrimination against women and ensuring international justice.

From here, I will pay my respects at the gravesite of Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero.  

Every year, the United Nations marks the anniversary of his death in a special way.  We have designated 24 March an International Day to pay tribute to the memory of the victims of gross human rights violations and promote the importance of the right to truth and justice.

In every corner of the world, people honour Monsignor Romero’s legacy by striving to make it real in our time.  Let us continue to be guided by the example and the words of this mighty Salvadoran force for peace and justice.

As Monsignor Romero said:

“Unidad quiere decir pluralidad, pero respeto de todos al pensamiento de los otros, y entre todos crear una unidad que es mucho más rica que mi solo pensamiento.”  

Let us work together in that spirit of unity to build a better future for all.  You have moral and political responsibility to uphold the Charter of the United Nations to make this world sustainable, more peaceful, more prosperous, where everybody's human rights are protected and therefore, leaving nobody left behind.

Muchas gracias.  

Dale Salvadoreños!

For information media. Not an official record.