2015 Session,
23rd Meeting (AM)

Economic and Social Council Defers Election of Candidates from Asia-Pacific Group to UN-Women’s Executive Board, Owing to Procedural Questions

The Economic and Social Council today postponed the election of 17 members to the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, known as UN Women, to serve three-year terms beginning 1 January 2016, for procedural reasons.

While candidates had been endorsed by the regional groups for all 17 seats (document E/2015/9/Add.7), the Chair noted a request by the United States delegation for a secret ballot for the five members from the Asia-Pacific group, which had endorsed the candidacies of Iran, Pakistan, Samoa, Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates.  Several delegations questioned the reason for a secret ballot, given that the usual procedure when regional groups had endorsed a number of candidates equal to the seats available was to elect them by acclamation.

While delegates understood that rule 68 of the rules of procedure allowed for a secret ballot even when candidates had been endorsed, questions were raised by the representatives of Uganda and Turkmenistan as to why the ballot was blank and did not list the candidates who had been endorsed, while the representative of Pakistan sought to understand the source of the procedure being used.  The Russian Federation’s representative expressed concern at the possible setting of a precedent for future elections.

Following a brief recess, during which the Council sought guidance on those issues, including from the Office of Legal Affairs, it was decided that the elections would be postponed until 10 a.m. on Friday, 10 April, as it had been determined that there was indeed precedent for both a blank ballot and a ballot listing the endorsed candidates.

Also speaking today were representatives of China and Honduras. 

The Economic and Social Council would next meet at 10 a.m. on Friday, 10 April, to elect 17 members to the Executive Board of UN Women and conclude the first of its Coordination and Management meetings for 2015.

For information media. Not an official record.