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‘Zero Hunger’ Goal within Reach, Secretary-General Tells High-level Event, But Urges Stakeholders to End Food Insecurity for 805 Million People

25 September 2014
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

‘Zero Hunger’ Goal within Reach, Secretary-General Tells High-level Event,

But Urges Stakeholders to End Food Insecurity for 805 Million People

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the United Nations General Assembly high-level side event “Delivering Zero Hunger — Demonstrating Impact”, in New York today:

I am pleased to send greetings to the “Delivering Zero Hunger – Demonstrating Impact” high-level event.  I applaud your work to achieve a world without hunger.

I issued my Zero Hunger Challenge because I know that it is possible to end hunger in our lifetimes.  Our vision is a world where childhood under-nutrition is eliminated through sustainable and climate-smart agriculture that benefits smallholders, where there is no loss or waste in food systems, and where all people have year-round access to nutritious foods.

We are making progress.  Hunger is declining.  The latest report on the State of Food Insecurity indicates that 63 countries have already reached the Millennium Development Goal target to halve hunger.  Globally, the goal is within reach.  However, one in nine people still struggle with hunger every day.  A rising population and changing climate, coupled with conflicts and health crises, make our task more urgent.

Zero Hunger cannot be achieved by acting alone.  Food security is everyone’s business, so all need to be engaged in this effort.  Sustained political commitment to this vision, as well as effective partnership among Governments, business, civil society and research bodies, are essential to realize our goal.

I welcome the commitments made at the Climate Summit, including the launch of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture.  We need to do everything we can to support the world’s 500 million smallholder farmers, strengthen their resilience and increase productivity.  We can find ways to achieve these aims.

You have come together today to share how you are delivering Zero Hunger with practical actions.  The examples you share and the pledges you make will help ensure that every woman, man and child realizes their right to food.

We have seen how bold commitments, sustained political will and effective multi-stakeholder partnerships can combine to make a real and lasting difference.  The time for action is now.  We are accountable to 805 million hungry people.  We can keep our promise to Deliver Zero Hunger.  I wish you success at today’s meeting and in the important work ahead.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.