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Secretary-General, at Midori Concert, Hails Support by Messenger of Peace for ‘Every Woman, Every Child’ Initiative

3 June 2014
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, at Midori Concert, Hails Support by Messenger of Peace


for ‘Every Woman, Every Child’ Initiative


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the “Mini-Concert” by Midori, in New York, 3 June:

It is a great pleasure to be part of this very important gathering with a Messenger of Peace and wonderful musicians.

This morning, we are joined by the wonderful virtuoso, Midori, one of the most accomplished and admired musicians in the world and of our time; a very special warm welcome to all of you, the members of the quartet who are with us today.  Thank you for your initiative, your strong commitment for peace and development and harmony through music.

I am very happy to have these fine young musicians here at the United Nations.  Music bridges communities, and youth involvement makes it even stronger and last longer.  So I congratulate you on your passion and commitment and talent for [furthering] peace and harmony.

Midori has shown that she truly cares about people and humanity.  She has used her art and ability to inspire audiences around the world to help improve lives, and empower young people in particular.

Midori has been a steadfast supporter of the United Nations, as a Messenger of Peace and more recently by encouraging our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.  I am truly grateful for her role as Messenger of Peace, and thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted that today she has agreed to expand her efforts to include two of my key priorities:  one is the “Every woman, every child” initiative to reduce mortality of women and children who have been dying needlessly from preventable diseases, and another one is the work of UN-Women to end violence against women and girls, which is totally unacceptable, but unfortunately, is happening all throughout the world — most recently, these appalling acts in Nigeria, India and Afghanistan, Pakistan, even in California.  We must put an end to these unacceptable, intolerable acts.

Messengers of Peace such as Midori — and our Goodwill Ambassadors, who work directly with the UN agencies — are dedicated and well informed and credible advocates on behalf of the United Nations.  They help us educate audiences worldwide and rally support on key issues of the United Nations.

I am truly grateful for Midori’s contribution and I look forward to working even more closely with her, promoting the causes we share and hold dear.

Ladies and gentlemen, right now, with today’s concert, we are in for a treat.  Please enjoy the music and I thank you for your support.  Thank you.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.