
Statement by Bureau of Committee on Exercise of Inalienable Rights of Palestinian People on Formation of Government of National Consensus of State of Palestine

4 June 2014
General AssemblyGA/PAL/1300
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Statement by Bureau of Committee on Exercise of Inalienable Rights of Palestinian

People on Formation of Government of National Consensus of State of Palestine

The Bureau of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People issued the following statement today:

The Bureau of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People welcomes the formation of the Government of national consensus of the State of Palestine, which was sworn in on 2 June in Ramallah by President Mahmoud Abbas.  The Government, headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, is comprised of independent figures, and will report to President Abbas.  The Bureau observes that the new unity Government will have a mandate focused on preparing for legislative and presidential elections within six months, and on rebuilding Gaza.  The Bureau welcomed the assurances given by President Abbas and Prime Minister Hamdallah that the new Government is committed to respect past agreements, international political initiatives and peaceful solutions.

The Bureau is heartened by the fact that the main Palestinian factions, responding to overwhelming popular desire for unity, have successfully bridged their differences and agreed on a way forward.  The international community, including the Committee, as well as the Quartet, has consistently called on the Palestinians to reunify behind the legitimate leadership of President Abbas.

The formation of the new Government is a crucial first step towards the reuniting the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which is a vital interest of all those who sincerely want peace.  The Bureau looks forward to a speedy resolution of all outstanding reconciliation issues that would lead to a reintegration of Gaza and the West Bank in the institutional, economic and security spheres, the holding of free, fair and inclusive elections, the reactivation of the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access leading to the sustained reopening of the crossings, and the rebuilding of the economy of the Gaza Strip.  In addition, the Gaza ceasefire should be solidified, and the Bureau calls on all regional and international stakeholders to work constructively towards this end.  In particular, the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip has to end to allow the new Government to effectively address the serious political, security, humanitarian and economic challenges there.

The Bureau expects the new Palestinian Government to continue on the path towards independent Palestinian statehood.  It calls upon the international community to support and encourage the Palestinian reconciliation process as it unfolds.  The Bureau welcomes worldwide expressions of support, including the recent announcements by major donors of their intention to cooperate with the new Government in line with its commitments, and to maintain funding flows.  We look forward to the activation of the Arab financial safety net.  The Bureau also welcomes the encouragement for the new Government given by the United Nations and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

At the same time the Bureau denounces the rejectionist stance adopted by the Government of Israel, the occupying Power, including its decision to suspend peace talks, to partially freeze Palestinian revenues, to block the freedom of movement of Palestinian Ministers between Gaza and the West Bank and to obstruct the holding of Palestinian elections.

We call on the international community to seize this opportunity to decisively move the peace process forward in accordance with Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, towards our shared vision of two sovereign States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.