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Secretary-General Hails Accomplishments of Six Members States as They Celebrate Twentieth Anniversary since Joining United Nations

11 June 2013
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General Hails Accomplishments of Six Members States as They Celebrate

Twentieth Anniversary since Joining United Nations


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the twentieth anniversary of the ascension of Andorra, Czech Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Monaco and Slovakia to the United Nations:

It is an honour to join you as we celebrate your twentieth anniversary celebration of membership at the United Nations.  Congratulations.

Twenty years is not long in the life of people, let alone the life of nations.  But, in a short span of time, Andorra, the Czech Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Monaco and Slovakia have each made important contributions to the work and the mission of the United Nations.  I have had the profound honour of visiting each of your countries and deepening our partnership even further.  The list of your accomplishments is far too long to detail.

But, allow me to salute Andorra as a true international champion for women’s empowerment, being one of only two countries around the world reaching 50 per cent of women in parliament.

The Czech Republic has been a vital player in the peaceful settlement of disputes and supporting countries in transition.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia continues to play an important role in regional peace and stability, including as current Chair of the South East European Co-operation Process.

Monaco has contributed extensively to the international debate on climate change, the protection of biodiversity, water management and the protection of oceans.

And Slovakia’s recent presidency of the Economic and Social Council has also been extremely valuable for the advancement of the sustainable development agenda.

That is just a snapshot of your activities and contributions.  Looking back over the past 20 years, much has changed in your countries as it has in the world around us.

Each of your histories is unique, but you are now united in purpose as an indispensable part of the United Nations family.  I look forward to working closely with all of you as you begin your third decade at the United Nations.

Building the future we want will demand dedication from the most powerful nations to the least developed countries, from the largest territories to the smallest States.  I count on the continued commitment of Andorra, the Czech Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Monaco and Slovakia to help us realize a world of prosperity, sustainability, equity and dignity for all.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.