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As World Community Knows from Long Experience, ‘Peace, Development and Human Rights Are Inextricably Linked,’ Says Secretary-General to Geneva Panel

1 March 2013
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

As World Community Knows from Long Experience, ‘Peace, Development and Human


Rights Are Inextricably Linked,’ Says Secretary-General to Geneva Panel


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the High-Level Panel on Human Rights Mainstreaming at the Human Rights Council, in Geneva, 1 March:

Je tiens avant tout à dire, comme vous, ma profonde tristesse à la suite du décès, cette semaine, de Stéphane Hessel, l’un des principaux artisans dans le monde en matière de droits de l’homme.  Son esprit continue de nous animer aujourd’hui, tandis que nous sommes réunis pour faire avancer la transversalisation des droits de l’homme au sein du système des Nations Unies.

En 1993, les chefs d’État et de gouvernement réunis à la Conférence mondiale sur les droits de l’homme de Vienne sont convenus d’une vision et d’un plan d’action audacieux :  des droits de l’homme pour tous.

While noble, this objective is not rooted only in idealism. 

Guiding documents such as the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were not the work of altruists or dreamers. 

They were crafted by pragmatists — such as Mr. Hessel — who endured atrocity and war and understood that the failure to respect human rights is a recipe for rebellion.

As we saw most recently in the streets of the Arab world, people everywhere rightly seek justice, accountability, an end to corruption and misrule, decent work and a decent life.

And as we know from long experience, peace, development and human rights are inextricably linked.  Human rights are essential for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and advancing sustainable development.

Today’s panel discussion on the post-2015 development framework, therefore, is most timely.

Last year, I established a senior-level United Nations System Task Team on the Post-2015 Agenda.  The Task Team recommended that the Post-2015 Agenda be built on three fundamental principles:  human rights, equality and sustainability.

I agree.

This September, the President of the General Assembly will convene a special event on the Millennium Development Goals to assess progress, identify remaining gaps and challenges ahead.

I will also present the broad contours of my vision for an ambitious, principled, practical and coherent post-2015 development framework.

I will draw on the work of my High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which will report to me at the end of May. 

Global and country-level consultations, and other inter-governmental and expert forums, including this Panel, will provide critical inputs to this process.

I call on all Member States to embrace this opportunity and I urge all stakeholders to ensure that international human rights standards and principles help guide our post-2015 goals and objectives.  

The right to education is a crucial part of this picture, and I am glad this is on your agenda today. 

Far too often, people who need their rights most know their rights least.

Despite progress, too many primary school age children are still not in school.  Too many leave school without learning the most basic skills.

That is why I launched my global Education First initiative. 

Education, health care, housing, and the fair administration of justice, are not privileges for the few, but rights for all.

Ces dernières années, nous intégrons lentement mais sûrement les droits de l’homme dans les travaux de notre Organisation aux niveaux politique et opérationnel, dans le cadre de l’initiative « Unis dans l’action ».

À ma demande, le Groupe des Nations Unies pour le développement a établi un mécanisme de coordination de haut niveau consacré à la transversalisation des droits de l’homme, qui font désormais partie des éléments standard des missions de paix et des missions politiques des Nations Unies et s’intègrent de plus en plus à l’action humanitaire.

Nous nous employons à renforcer davantage la cohérence du système des Nations Unies.  Il faut également une plus grande cohérence à l’intérieur des États Membres et entre eux, pour éviter de grandes disparités au niveau des organes directeurs.

En redoublant d’efforts, nous devons renforcer la responsabilité de tous les acteurs.

Human rights are part of the DNA of the United Nations and the birthright of every human being.  

Every member of the human family has a right to grow and develop their full potential in a secure and sustainable environment.

This requires the full commitment of Member States.

Together, let us empower people, and build the world we want.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.