
Many Drug-Resistant Forms of Tuberculosis, If Allowed to Spread Unchecked, Could Set Back Decades of Progress, Warns Secretary-General in Message

22 March 2011
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Many Drug-Resistant Forms of Tuberculosis, If Allowed to Spread Unchecked, Could


Set Back Decades of Progress, Warns Secretary-General in Message


Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for World Tuberculosis Day, 24 March: 

This year on World Tuberculosis Day there is cause for optimism.  The recent adoption of a fast and powerful new diagnostic tool promises to accelerate international gains against the disease.

At the same time, our hope must be tempered by the sobering fact that multi-drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis remain an ever-present threat that, if allowed to spread unchecked, could set back the steady progress made during the past two decades.

The World Health Organization’s Stop TB Strategy has brought major achievements, including impressive improvements in the way tuberculosis care is delivered.  Over the past 15 years, well over 40 million people have received treatment in accordance with the Strategy.  Prevalence and death rates continue to fall, demonstrating the power of international commitment to save lives.

This progress could be lost if we are not vigilant.  Efforts to carry out the Strategy are severely underfunded, as is research to develop additional, badly needed tools.  Without further improvements in tuberculosis prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, some 8 million people will die of tuberculosis between now and 2015.  Tuberculosis will also claim the lives of many people infected with HIV.

Tuberculosis care still fails to reach everyone in need.  About one third of people with tuberculosis does not benefit from accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.  Most of these nearly 3 million people are in vulnerable and marginalized groups, including slum dwellers, migrant workers and drug users.  We need to reach them by teaming up with civil society, health workers and businesses.  In the twenty-first century, no one should die from this curable disease.

Access to quality health care is a basic human right.  On World Tuberculosis Day, I call for action to carry out the Stop TB Strategy everywhere, for all those who need it.  This will go a long way towards universal access to diagnosis and treatment, and that, in turn, will help rid the world of one of the biggest infectious killers facing humankind.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.