
‘Kuwait and Iraq Stand at Dawn of New Era of Peaceful Coexistence,’ Secretary-General Says in Commemoration of Kuwait’s Independence

26 February 2011
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

‘ Kuwait and Iraq Stand at Dawn of New Era of Peaceful Coexistence,’

Secretary-General Says in Commemoration of Kuwait’s Independence


Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message on the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait and fiftieth anniversary of its independence, today, 26 February, in New York:

It gives me great pleasure to greet the Government and people of Kuwait on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its independence and the twentieth anniversary of the country’s liberation from the forces of Saddam Hussein.

This was an historic moment for Kuwait.  It was also a notable development for the international community, as it was achieved under the mandate of Chapter VII resolutions of the United Nations Security Council — and thus serves as a symbol of how the international community, acting together in the framework of international law and collective security, can uphold the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter.

The attack on the sovereignty of Kuwait brought untold suffering not only to its people — many of whom remain missing today — but also to the region and to the people of many other countries.  Many lives were lost, both in the initial invasion and in the military action that reversed it.  The repercussions were global.

Today, Kuwait and Iraq stand at the dawn of a new era of peaceful coexistence and friendly relations.  I welcome the recent steps taken by the leadership of the two countries to normalize relations and resolve outstanding issues within the framework of the resolutions of the United Nations.  This is a formidable challenge, but I have faith in their resolve to move in that direction and achieve full closure.  The United Nations will continue to provide all necessary support.

Kuwait is an active member of the United Nations.  I look forward to the contributions Kuwaitis will continue to make to our work to build a better world for all.  Please accept my best wishes as you commemorate these two milestones in your country’s history.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.